
Is slenderman good or bad?

Is slenderman good or bad?

The slender man is not exactly evil according to mythology but victor Surge’s version shows him as an evil creature that stalks humans to kill. In mythology he was actually trying to save you from a painful death by taking you to the under world early. Slenderman is a product of this century.

What is the name of SCP-582?

Manifestation Alpha – The most common instance of SCP-582, being a humanoid creature standing approximately two meters tall and wearing thickly layered robes often compared to burlap.

What is the weakest SCP?

SCP-173 is the weakest SCP at the moment and needs buffs :: SCP: Secret Laboratory General Discussions.

Can slenderman be killed?

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There is no known way of permanently defeating Slenderman.

Why is slenderman not a SCP?

Technically, no, Slenderman is not an SCP. However, he could become a manifestation of SCP-582, which is a self-propagating meme that can take the form of fictional entities that are written about (such as in a creepypasta), then alter reality so that deeds attributed to that entity actually happen. It is not an SCP.

What is slender Mans real name?

The Slender Man (also known as Slenderman) is a fictional supernatural character that originated as a creepypasta Internet meme created by Something Awful forums user Eric Knudsen (also known as “Victor Surge”) in 2009. It is depicted as a thin, unnaturally tall humanoid with a featureless head and face and wearing a black suit.

What does the Slender Man really do with children?

In most stories, the Slender Man usually has the ability to teleport and children who are targeted by him are driven insane or act on his behalf The motive of the Slender Man is usually mysterious and vague. He can either protect certain children like a guardian angel or attack them

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Is Slenderman SCP 582?

It is possible that SCP-582 is a local version of Slender Man . Prove of this is in the description of the SCP, “Any fictional account written about SCP-582 will become factual record of the manifestation of the entity, in which SCP-582 will carry out actions attributed to it and the narrative.”

Which SCP is Slender Man?

Slender Man Mythos SCP is from /x/, Slenderman is from SA. Makes sense that they wouldn’t cross, really… and SCP usually sticks modern fictional characters in a different category as I remember.