
Is south facing house good vastu?

Is south facing house good vastu?

South facing house is considered as a second option for people who are looking forward to purchase a home for themselves. So, if vastu rules are followed properly, even a South facing house vastu can bring prosperity and be auspicious for the occupants.

How do you build a south facing house?

1. Vastu Tips for the South-Facing Door

  1. You need to position your front or main door to the centre of the South direction while constructing the house.
  2. As per the Vastu principles, the entrance door should be placed in the centre of a South-facing wall as this helps in lining up the energies of a South-facing house.

What should be in South as per vastu?

South Direction as per Vastu: South is always considered as a bad direction, but it is not like that. South is the bank for all the good energies of North direction. There should not be big openings in the south. The owner of this direction is YAM.

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How is south facing house calculated?

Hence, if while coming out of your home, you face North – then you have a North facing house; similarly if you face South while coming out of your home, then you have a South facing house.

Which Rashi is suitable for south-facing house?

ARIES: South-facing houses are very lucky for Mesh Rashi (Aries) people. They add special fillip to the personality of the Aries people. TAURUS (Vrishav): However, South-facing houses are not good for Vrish Rashi (Taurus). They tend to spend more in such houses and end up in the financial red as a result.

Which facing house is good as per Vastu?

The location or the placement is of utmost importance in Vastu shastra. As per Vastu, northeast is the most suitable direction for a house’s entrance. For the bedroom, it is southwest, and for the kitchen, it is southeast. For the pooja room, it is the northeast corner of the house.

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Which face house is best?

The first and second choices for homes are north and east-facing doors with West being the third-choice. However, according to Vastu Shastra, all homes are considered equally auspicious, and there is no such thing that west-facing homes are not as good as north or east-facing homes.

Which facing house is good for Tula Rashi Vishakha Nakshatra?

North is your favourable direction. You can buy home which has North entrance or can buy East facing house but there should be open area in North direction to get good gains.

What is the problem with south facing house?

South-facing homes are generally considered inauspicious and get the bad rap many times due to the belief that Lord Yama, the God of Death, lives in the dakshina or South direction. However, the truth is Vastu shastra does not specify a direction as being good or bad.