
Is Super Saiyan blue stronger than vegito?

Is Super Saiyan blue stronger than vegito?

Super Saiyan God was discovered during Dragon Ball Super’s first story arc. While Vegito was only seen transforming into a Super Saiyan in DBZ, by Super he could transform into a Super Saiyan Blue as he battled against the villainous Future Zamasu and Goku Black.

Who would win vegito blue or gogeta blue?

Vegito is stronger than Gogeta. This was even stated by elder Kai. Now you might say “oh the time limit makes gogeta stronger.” Yes, we’ve never seen Gogeta defuse because of the time limit, but Gotenks was only fused for 5 minutes. This means Gogeta can also unfuse because of the time limit.

Can vegito go Super Saiyan blue?

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As Vegito can become a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, he possesses the God-like Saiyan state. and This is Vegito BLUE!! Vegito upon transforming into Super Saiyan Blue.

Can Beerus beat Vegito blue?

Anime Fused Zamasu, as well as manga and anime Vegito Blue, should be *absolutely and with no doubt* recognized as stronger than Beerus. Now that Vegito Blue is confirmed to be stronger than Beerus (and possibly Whis as well)…

Can Vegito beat Broly?

Ssj blue vegito cannot beat broly as vegito has a power limit and if he exceeds that power limit he diffuses. Ex: when he was fighting cumber he diffused because he used up too much power .

What if Vegito went SSJ2?

Now the SSJ2 multiplier is 100x and SSJ3 is 400x. This means that, at SSJ2, Vegito would be 2x stronger than SSJ4 Goku, and SSJ3 Vegito would be 8x stronger than SSJ4 Goku! That is pretty strong.

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Is base Vegito stronger than ssj3 Goku?

Absolutely no evidence that base Vegito was that strong in DBZ. He’s using the old guidebook SSJ multipliers of 50x for SSJ1, 2x for 2, and 4x for 3. Whether you regard them as bulls*** or not. Yes, but there’s no evidence that Base Vegito is stronger than SSJ3 Goku.

Is base Vegito stronger than manga Vegito?

Absolutely no evidence that base Vegito was that strong in DBZ. He’s using the old guidebook SSJ multipliers of 50x for SSJ1, 2x for 2, and 4x for 3. Whether you regard them as bulls*** or not. MyDogSkip posted… Fwahm posted… Acharyap28 posted… Hvv0l24n9 posted… I wouldn’t say manga Vegito is stronger. not based on the fights at least.

Why is vegeto so weak to MZ in anime?

Since Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks fought and damaged regular MZ, Anime Vegeto ended up fighting a stronger variant of MZ. Regular MZ from the manga didn’t need a power boost against Goku/Vegeta cause he was owning them. Plus, even Trunks got the better of MZ in an exchange.