
Is syllabus of all banking exams same?

Is syllabus of all banking exams same?

Since all the bank exams have almost the same bank syllabus and exam pattern, one of the most important and scoring subjects is the general awareness section.

Is SBI PO and IBPS PO prelims syllabus same?

In IBPS PO Mains is of 225 marks while in SBI PO Mains is of 250 marks also interview in IBPS PO is of 100 marks while SBI PO is of 50 marks….

Recruitment Process IBPS Clerk SBI Clerk
Cut-off trends Low in comparison Check IBPS PO Cut Off Higher Check SBI PO Cut-off

Which exam is easier IBPS PO or SBI PO?

Depending on the analysis done by the experts and several aspirants with regards to the difficulty level of questions, SBI PO is considered as a difficult exam than IBPS PO. As the number of seats for SBI PO is also limited, the cut off is higher for SBI PO aspirants. Both the exams are divided in three phases.

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Which exam is more tough IBPS PO or SBI PO?

The level of examination for SBI PO is tougher in comparison to that of IBPS PO. The pattern of Prelims and Mains examination is objective. IBPS conducts an online examination for the selection of Probationary Officers in the participating Banks.

How can I clear IBPS prelims?

Tips & Tricks to crack IBPS PO exam in First Attempt

  1. Make a study plan.
  2. Practice Mock Tests.
  3. Refer Previous Year Question Paper.
  4. Opt Good Study Materials.
  5. Increase Reading Speed.
  6. Cover all Important Topics.
  7. Be Calm, Don’t Stress Yourself.

Is IBPS PO prelims tough?

Clearing Cut – Off is not tough: The preliminary level of the exam is just qualifying in nature and you just need to clear the overall and the sectional cut – offs. Though the cut – off of the exam increases every year still it does not hike so much that it becomes difficult for the students to score more than it.