
Is Tesseract good for OCR?

Is Tesseract good for OCR?

While Tesseract is known as one of the most accurate free OCR engines available today, it has numerous limitations that dramatically affect its performance; its ability to correctly recognize characters in a scan or image.

What is the best OCR app for Android?

List of 10 best OCR Apps for Android and iOS

  • CamScanner.
  • Google Keep.
  • PDF Scanner.
  • Adobe Scan.
  • Smart Lens.
  • Readiris.
  • OmniPage Ultimate.
  • Evernote Scannable.

How do you implement Tesseract OCR?

Type the following command in your terminal.

  1. brew install tesseract.
  2. tesseract –version. Use the flowing command to list the available languages for Tesseract OCR engine.
  3. tesseract –list-langs.
  4. eng #English.
  5. /usr/local/Cellar/tesseract/4.1.1/share/tessdata/
  6. pip install pytesseract.
  7. _ The’quick brown fox’ .
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Is Tesseract API free?

Tesseract is an optical character recognition engine for various operating systems. It is free software, released under the Apache License. In 2006, Tesseract was considered one of the most accurate open-source OCR engines available.

How do I speed up my Tesseract?

To speed up the process, one should make a list of image paths and feed it to tesseract. Using SSDs or RAM as Disk : If there are large number of images, it can help in saving lot of I/O time. SSDs will have faster access and loading time.

How do you increase the accuracy of the Tesseract OCR?

13 Answers

  1. fix DPI (if needed) 300 DPI is minimum.
  2. fix text size (e.g. 12 pt should be ok)
  3. try to fix text lines (deskew and dewarp text)
  4. try to fix illumination of image (e.g. no dark part of image)
  5. binarize and de-noise image.

Is there an app that does OCR?

Text Fairy An OCR app available for Android is one of the best OCR apps available today. It is a robust and fast app that comes handy if you need to use the OCR app frequently. Text fairy does not just convert image to text, but it also corrects the viewpoint from where the photo is taken.

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Can Tesseract read JPG?

File Input Formats Tesseract will only take image files for input. These include: TIFF (preferred) JPG.

How do I import a Tesseract?


  1. Import tesseract and cv2.
  2. Import os.
  3. Open command prompt and type ~pip install gtts .
  4. From gtts import gTTS.
  5. Follow the above steps to convert image to string.
  6. Store the extracted string in a variable.
  7. Play the audio using gTTS() function and pass the parameter as text, language.