
Is that what you mean or meant?

Is that what you mean or meant?

“Mean” is present tense, while “Meant” is past tense: What do you mean by that? ( present tense) Did you mean ….? (

How do you say thats not what I meant?

3 Answers. You can use the idiomatic expression: a different kettle of fish. If you say that something is a different kettle of fish, you mean that it is very different from another related thing that you are talking about.

What I actually mean or meant?

When A says “I mean(t) it” A is talking about something A did three seconds ago. Three seconds is a small enough time that it is okay to use present tense (“mean”). If A said “You look really nice” yesterday, and said “I mean(t) it” today, A would use “meant”.

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What meant?

Meant is the past tense and past participle of mean. adjective [v-link ADJ to-inf] You use meant to to say that something or someone was intended to be or do a particular thing, especially when they have failed to be or do it.

How do you say thats not what it means in Spanish?

The short answer was just “no” or maybe “no es eso”. Here’s a video where a woman sings Veo veo ^^ edited by LoaEtayo. posted by LoaEtayo. 0.

What is meant formal?

formal Add to list Share. Being formal is all about being taken seriously. Being formal doesn’t have to mean being stiff or unnatural; it’s basically just using good manners and following the rules.

Do you spell meant or ment?

The verb mean is defined as to have in the mind as a purpose; to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future; to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate; to have importance to the degree of; to direct to a particular individual. Pronunciation of Meant: Meant is pronounced ment.

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Did not mean or did not meant?

“We didn’t mean to do it” means that we didn’t intend to do something but we did so anyway. “We weren’t meant to do it” means that we were told not to do a certain thing, and did so anyway.

Had meant vs meant?

“Meant to” is the more likely word in the absence of a particular context. “Had meant to” needs a specific context.

Whats the difference between ment and meant?