
Is the e silent in vegetable?

Is the e silent in vegetable?

Can you see the syllable – that we completely forget the ‘e’? ‘Vegetable’. We don’t pronounce that second syllable. ‘Vegetable’, ‘vegetable’.

Which letter is silent in the word vegetable?

Some common combinations you might already know

Silent L would, talk, half, folk, almonds, salmon
Silent S island, aisle
Silent O chocolate, sophomore, Catholic
Silent E vegetable,Wednesday
Silent W two, who, whole, wrist, sword, answer

Is Final e and Silent e the same?

Many English words end in the letter e. In an earlier stage of the language, many of these final e’s were pronounced. Now, however, unless the word is a foreign borrowing, the final e is silent. Although final e is silent, it usually has a job to do.

What words end with a silent e?

spelling: words ending in a silent e

  • debate, debatable.
  • desire, desirable.
  • dine, dining.
  • excite, excitable.
  • make, makable.
  • subdue, subduing.

Is it correct to say vegetables?

Absolutely it is plural. Singular to that is, vegetable. vegetable – only one quantity of any variety of vegetable. vegetables – one or more quantity of one or more variety of vegetables.

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What is silent e?

“Silent E makes the vowel say its name.” In each example, Silent E changes the short vowel into a long vowel (in other words, the vowel says its name). Dozens of popular phonics programs teach this, and it is one of the most common reading and spelling “rules” taught to beginning learners.

What makes a silent e?

Many grammar books describe the change in vowel sound with a “silent e” as a change from a “short vowel” to a “long sound.” However, unlike Old English, Modern English no longer has short or long vowels. Show Consonant Sounds The “silent e” tells a C or G to make a soft sound and a TH to make a voiced sound.

Is the letter e silent?

You may have noticed that a number of English words end in the letter ‘e,’ but this letter ‘e’ is almost never pronounced – it is silent.

Is vegetable a plural?

This is the British English definition of vegetable. View American English definition of vegetable. View the pronunciation for vegetable….vegetable ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

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singular vegetable
plural vegetables