
Is the medical assistant certification exam hard?

Is the medical assistant certification exam hard?

How Hard is the CMA Certification Exam? The CMA exam is 200 questions and you’ll be given 160 minutes total to answer them, so time management is vital. The test is then scored on a scale of 200 to 800 with a minimum score of 430 required to pass.

What is the passing score for CMAA exam?

390/500 or higher
What is the passing score for the CMAA exam? Like the NHA’s CCMA exam, a candidate must achieve a scaled score of 390/500 or higher to pass the CMAA exam.

What questions are on the CMAA exam?

The NHA CMAA exam is made up of 110 scored questions and 20 pretest items the NHA uses to gather data.

  • Scheduling (17\%)
  • Patient Intake (16\%)
  • Office Logistics (11\%)
  • Compliance (15\%)
  • Patient Education (10\%)
  • General Office Policies & Procedures (14\%)
  • Basic Medical Terminology (17\%)
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Is the CMAA certification worth it?

CMAA Status Offers Multiple Benefits “Medical administrative assistants are expected to have good job prospects; however, those who earn certification and have familiarity with electronic health records (EHRs) may have better job prospects,” states the BLS Occupational Handbook website.

Why are CMAA certifications important?

Job Opportunities Increase A nationally-recognized certification demonstrates that you’ve studied and been tested on skills specific to healthcare administration. Becoming a CMAA proves that you’re willing to go above and beyond for your role — a trait that employers absolutely love.

How many times can you take the CCMA exam?

How Many Times Can You Take the CCMA Exam? If you fail your first attempt at the CCMA exam, you’ll be allowed two more attempts to successfully pass (a total of three attempts), with a waiting period of a minimum of 30 days between each exam.

Is a CMAA certification worth it?