
Is there radiation in Japan now?

Is there radiation in Japan now?

It is safe to travel to Japan as radiation levels in most parts, including Tokyo, are within the normal range of background radiation. Entry to some areas close to the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP is restricted due to elevated radiation levels.

Is there nuclear waste in the Pacific ocean?

Although no high-level radioactive waste (HLW) has been disposed of into the sea, variable amounts of packaged low-level radioactive waste (LLW) have been dumped at more than 50 sites in the northern part of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Why is Japan releasing radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean?

The Japanese government said it had officially decided to release over one million tonnes of treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean starting in two years’ time. The water, currently stored in tanks on land, is used to cool the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant’s reactors.

Will Japan’s TEPCO dump nuclear water into the Pacific Ocean?

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In a news briefing in Tokyo earlier this week, Japan’s Minister of the Environment, Yoshiaki Harada, told reporters that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) will have to dump radioactive water from its crippled Fukushima nuclear power plants into the Pacific Ocean.

Should we dump toxic waste into the Pacific Ocean?

Japan and TEPCO considered this long-term storage option, but opted instead for the cheapest choice – simply dumping the wastewater into the Pacific. The era of intentionally dumping toxic waste in our one global ocean is, or should be, over.

Is Japan’s nuclear power the answer to global warming?

Nuclear power is critical to addressing global warming, not to mention the Japan’s economic doldrums. Japan was once at the forefront in the fight against global warming but their carbon emissions have skyrocketed since the output from their nuclear plants were unnecessarily replaced by fossil fuels.