
Is Tumblr a good place to start a blog?

Is Tumblr a good place to start a blog?

Tumblr is a great choice for bloggers looking to find their feet in the online world. Its features are all beginner-friendly and easy to get the hang of right from the start.

Is it worth it to post on Tumblr?

Tumblr is a great option for visual blogging and other posts with minimal texts. Users tend to post interesting and catchy posts that even goes beyond the boundaries of Tumblr and into other social media. Tumblr is free and can be used even by beginners. The user interface is very easy to learn and interact.

How do I start a blog on Tumblr?

To start a new Tumblr blog, click the icon that looks like three bars next to your blog’s name on your dashboard and then select create new blog.

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Is Tumblr popular in 2021?

In June 2021, social network had 319.2 million website visits worldwide, down from 337.8 million site visits in January 2021….Worldwide visits to from January to June 2021 (in millions)

Characteristic Number of visits in billions
2021-03 327.1
2021-02 303.3
2021-01 337.8

Can you make money on Tumblr?

To earn directly from your posts on Tumblr, use ad networks, such as Google Adsense. The only problem is the ads may actually come from the competition. However, when a visitor to your blog clicks on the ad, you’ll be paid. If you have a large following, the earnings can add up.

How do you make content on Tumblr?

Create a quick text post in your Tumblr blog by following these steps:

  1. Click the Text Post icon (a capital and lowercase letter A) on your Tumblr dashboard. Tumblr displays the Add a Text Post page.
  2. (Optional) Give your blog post a title in the Title field.
  3. Type the text of your blog post in the Post field.
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How do you make a good Tumblr blog?

11 killer tips for a successful Tumblr blog

  1. Have a laser-like focus. Dynamic Africa focuses on the continent’s visual design culture.
  2. Pick the right name and theme.
  3. Pace yourself.
  4. Craft posts carefully.
  5. Make it personal.
  6. Get noticed by the editors.
  7. Learn what works for your audience.
  8. Interact and spread the word.