
Should I use a Creosote Sweeping Log?

Should I use a Creosote Sweeping Log?

Are Cleaning Logs Safe? When you use them often and correctly, these logs are safe. You can burn the creosote log in your fireplace, so you don’t need to get into your chimney. These logs have chemicals that loosen the creosote, but you can use them in any wood-burning fire.

How does creosote Buster log work?

Chimney sweeping logs advertise themselves as an alternative to a professional chimney sweeping. As they burn, the smoke from the logs loosens creosote in the flue; as it loosens, the creosote then falls down and into the firebox where it can be easily removed.

How long does a Creosote Sweeping Log burn?

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approximately 90 minutes
The Creosote Sweeping Log burns for approximately 90 minutes. Making a wood fire prior to using CSL will heat the tar on your chimney wall, while it improves your draft. 2. The smoke from CSL is charged with additives, which rises and attach themselves to the creosote deposits..

How often should you burn a creosote log?

For the best results, you should use one log for every 60 fires. If you’re not sure how frequently you use your chimney, keep track of every fire. You might hit 60 fires in two months, or it could take longer.

Do potato peels clean chimneys?

Burning the potato peels will not eliminate all soot or creosote buildup, but they will reduce it. A normal and regular chimney cleaning is still needed to keep the fireplace working properly and safely.

Does burning aluminum cans help with creosote?

Burning aluminum cans does not get rid of the creosote, it merely turns it to flakes and powder. It remains necessary to physically clean the chimney with the correct chimney brushes.

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What can I burn to clean my chimney?

Creosote and soot build up can be minimized by:

  1. Burning good wood.
  2. Operating your fireplace or wood burning stove properly and.
  3. Using the creosote sweeping log every few dozen fires, to prepare the chimney for its annual cleaning.

Will a hot fire get rid of creosote?

Avoid Smoldering Many homeowners allow their fire to smolder until it burns itself out. As the fire begins to burn out more creosote is produced at the lower temperatures. Rather than allowing the fire to smolder, it should be extinguished.

Do Gas logs give off creosote?

While gas fireplaces don’t produce creosote, they do still need annual cleaning. A chimney sweeping in your gas fireplace will help remove items like bird’s nests, animals, and any debris that may have gotten trapped in there as well any potential soot. Furthermore, a chimney sweeping is often also an inspection.