
Should I worry about trivial tricuspid regurgitation?

Should I worry about trivial tricuspid regurgitation?

In general, no, there is no cause for concern. Mild tricuspid regurgitation is common. It does not cause symptoms or have an effect on the heart function. As with anyone, it’s important to treat usual cardiac risk factors and prevent the development of heart failure.

How common is trivial tricuspid regurgitation?

Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) occurs in 65–85\% of the population. Thus, mild TR in the setting of a structurally normal tricuspid valve (TV) apparatus can be considered a normal variant. Moderate or severe TR is usually associated with leaflet abnormalities and/or annular dilation and is usually pathologic.

How serious is moderate tricuspid regurgitation?

Moderate and severe tricuspid regurgitation can change the shape of your heart. This can cause permanent heart damage, leading to heart failure and death (especially in those over 70).

How long can you live with mild tricuspid regurgitation?

Table 2.

Tricuspid Regurgitation P value
Primary (n = 226)
HF 19 (38.0\%) 0.784
Median survival from diagnosis (years) 4.48 ± 3.63 0.128
Median survival from onset of symptoms (years) 2.37 ± 1.48 0.739
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Can tricuspid valve regurgitation get worse?

Many people with tricuspid regurgitation have no symptoms. Some people develop symptoms slowly as their valve function gets worse.

Does tricuspid regurgitation get worse?

Does tricuspid regurgitation go away?

Usually, mild tricuspid regurgitation requires little or no treatment. However, the underlying disorder, such as emphysema, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonic stenosis, or abnormalities of the left side of the heart, is likely to require treatment. Treatment of atrial fibrillation and heart failure is also necessary.