
Should you minify your JS?

Should you minify your JS?

Minifying strips out all comments, superfluous white space and shortens variable names. It thus reduces download time for your JavaScript files as they are (usually) a lot smaller in filesize. So, yes it does improve performance. The obfuscation shouldn’t adversely affect performance.

Should I minify my NPM package?

it’s usually unnecessary to minify your code, since they all implement their own build pipeline, often through a cli.

Why is node js not good?

Not Suitable for Heavy-Computing Apps Node. js doesn’t support multi-threaded programming yet. It is able to serve way more complicated applications than Ruby, but it’s not suitable for performing long-running calculations. Heavy computations block the incoming requests, which can lead to decrease of performance .

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Does Uglify improve performance?

Uglify JS is a JavaScript library for minifying JavaScript files. To ‘uglify’ a JavaScript file is to minify it using Uglify. Uglification improves performance while reducing readability. Encryption is a security feature, and does not necessarily reduce the size of a file.

Does Minifying reduce download time?

Minifying helps speed up webpage download times and reduce parse times, which simplifies how servers read and or interpret the symbols within CSS and HTML coding on a given website.

What is disadvantage of NodeJS?

Node. js has some cons like unstable Application Programming Interface (API), lack of a robust library support system, and lack of experienced Node. js developers in the market.

When should one not use node JS?

Reasons not to use NodeJS:

  1. It runs Javascript, which has no compile-time type checking.
  2. Added to that, many of the packages in NPM are a little raw, and still under rapid development.
  3. Nested callback hell.
  4. The ever-growing pool of packages can make one NodeJS project appear radically different from the next.
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Should we Minify HTML?

Minification means to minimize code (HTML, CSS, JS) and markup in your web pages and script files. This reduces load times and bandwidth usage on websites. Moreover, it improves site speed and accessibility. Additionally, a user can access your website even with a limited data plan.