
What are all the Star Trek spin offs?

What are all the Star Trek spin offs?

Star Trek: Enterprise
Star Trek: Deep Space NineStar Trek: The Animated SeriesStarship Exeter
Star Trek: The Original Series/Spin-offs

How many Star Trek episodes are there in total?

Star Trek: The Original Series/Number of episodes

In what order should I watch the Star Trek series?

Star Trek Chronological Viewing Order

  1. Star Trek: Enterprise (Year: 2151-2161)
  2. Star Trek: Discovery seasons 1-2 (Year: 2255)
  3. Star Trek: The Original Series (Year: 2265-2269)
  4. Star Trek: The Animated Series (Year: 2269-2270)
  5. The first six Star Trek films (Year: 2273-2293)
  6. Star Trek: The Next Generation (Year: 2364-2370)

What are the Star Trek alien races?

The 25 Greatest Space Aliens on the Star Trek TV Shows, Ranked

  1. Vulcans. From the Enterprise’s first TV voyage, this species has represented, and Mr.
  2. “Q” and his Q Continuum.
  3. The Borg.
  4. Klingons.
  5. Tribbles.
  6. Romulans.
  7. The Gorn.
  8. Species 8472.

Where can I watch Star Trek The Cage?

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If the short montage from The Cage at the beginning on Star Trek Discovery’s latest episode has given you a taste for the Original Series then you can now watch the original pilot, as well as the rest of the Original Series and indeed all the other Star Trek series (!), on Netflix now.

How can I watch the Star Trek series and movies?

Star Trek TV shows and movies in chronological order

  1. Star Trek: Enterprise (seasons 1-4)
  2. ‘The Cage’
  3. Star Trek: Discovery (seasons 1-2)
  4. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
  5. Star Trek: The Original Series (seasons 1-3)
  6. Star Trek: The Animated Series.
  7. Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
  8. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.

How many different races are in Star Trek?

From the Bajorans (a proud people struggling to recover from another species’s hostile occupation of their world) to the Tamarians (a seemingly incomprehensible race that turns out to communicate through mythology and metaphor), Star Trek’s writers have dreamed up nearly 300 different alien species and counting.