
What are common characteristics of a RISC based CPU instruction set architecture?

What are common characteristics of a RISC based CPU instruction set architecture?

Characteristic of RISC –

  • Simpler instruction, hence simple instruction decoding.
  • Instruction comes undersize of one word.
  • Instruction takes a single clock cycle to get executed.
  • More general-purpose registers.
  • Simple Addressing Modes.
  • Less Data types.
  • Pipeline can be achieved.

Which type of memory system does RISC v use?

The RISC-V S privilege level supports paged virtual memory with a 32-bit address space divided into 4KB pages. A 32-bit virtual address is separated into a 20-bit virtual page number and a 12-bit page offset.

Why we use processors based on RISC architecture?

RISC processor allows the instruction to utilize open space on a microprocessor due to its simplicity. It is very simple as compared with another processor due to this; it can finish its task within a single clock cycle.

What is RISC processor discuss some distinguished features of RISC processor?

RISC Processor It is built to minimize the instruction execution time by optimizing and limiting the number of instructions. It means each instruction cycle requires only one clock cycle, and each cycle contains three parameters: fetch, decode and execute.

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MIPS is RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Chip) architecture. Reduced (RISC) architectures tend to be simpler and have a small number of operations. Complex (CISC) architectures like x86 have more instructions, some of which take the place of a sequence of RISC instructions.

How does a RISC processor differ from a CISC processor?

One of the major differences between RISC and CISC is that RISC emphasizes efficiency in cycles per instruction and CISC emphasizes efficiency in instructions per program. RISC needs more RAM, whereas CISC has an emphasis on smaller code size and uses less RAM overall than RISC.