
What are examples of microcomputers?

What are examples of microcomputers?

Modern desktop computers, video game consoles, laptops, tablet PCs, and many types of handheld devices, including mobile phones, pocket calculators, and industrial embedded systems, may all be considered examples of microcomputers according to the definition given above.

Can be classified into supercomputers mainframe computers minicomputers and microcomputers?

The computers are categorized as Supercomputers, Mainframe computers, Minicomputers, Personal computers, Mobile computers, Laptops computers, Tablet computers, Portable computers, Personal digital assistants, Calculators, Handheld game consoles, Information appliances, Embedded systems.

What is an example of a powerful mainframe computer used today?

Answer: Examples of mainframe computers include the IBM zSeries, System z9 and System z10 servers. In addition to IBM machines, mainframes in use include the ClearPath Libra brand and the ClearPath Dorado from Unisys. Hewlett-Packard manufactures mainframe systems known as NonStop.

What are the 5 types of microcomputers?

Q. 1 How many types of microcomputers are there?

  • Desktop computer.
  • Notebook or laptop computer.
  • Tablet Microcomputer.
  • Smartphone.
  • Personal digital assistant Microcomputer.
  • Server Microcomputer.
  • Workstation Microcomputer.
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What are microcomputers name the types of microcomputers?

There are many different types of microcomputers, such as personal computers, tablet computers, smartphones and servers. Notebook or laptop computer. Tablet computer. Smartphone.

What is the example of Param?

PARAM is a series of supercomputers designed and assembled by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in Pune, India. The latest machine in the series is the PARAM ISHAN.

What are the examples of supercomputer?

The TOP500 list

Year Supercomputer Location
2018 IBM Summit Oak Ridge, U.S.
2018 IBM/Nvidia/Mellanox Sierra Livermore, U.S.
2016 Sunway TaihuLight Wuxi, China
2013 NUDT Tianhe-2 Guangzhou, China