
What are short term crops?

What are short term crops?

Hint: The short term crops are the crops or plants that are planted to occupy a middle period or short period between the timings of two vegetable crops. – The examples of short-term crops that are grown for 6 months or less includes baby corn, carrot, cotton, mango, okra, bitter gourd, radish etc.

Which crops need a lot of water to grow?

There exist crops like rice or sugarcane, which need more water than crops like beans and wheat….The Crop Type.

Crop Crop water need (mm/total growing period)
Rice (paddy) 450-700
Sorghum/Millet 450-650
Soybean 450-700
Sugar beet 550-750
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Which of the crop can grow well in standing water?

The two crops that would require standing water to grow are rice and paddy.

What is water efficient crops?

Water use efficiency (WUE) is defined as the amount of carbon assimilated as biomass or grain produced per unit of water used by the crop. Climate change will affect plant growth, but we have opportunities to enhance WUE through crop selection and cultural practices to offset the impact of a changing climate.

What are short and long term crops?

Crops with a life span of one year or less are not considered short-term crops. Long-term crops are those that have a life cycle of at least five years or more. Short-term crops include leafy green vegetables, paddy, millets, and cereals.

What crop has the shortest growing season?

Choose Short-Season Species, Such as Varieties that Mature Quickly

  • Radishes. Little French radishes mature in 25–30 days, making them ideal for multiple harvests.
  • Climbing Beans and Peas.
  • Spinach.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Small Tomatoes.
  • Carrots.
  • Zucchini/Summer Squash.
  • Peppers.
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What are 5 crops that do well in the heat and drought?

Popular choices include:

  • Lima beans.
  • Pole beans.
  • Corn.
  • Cowpeas, black-eyed peas and field peas.
  • Edible amaranth.
  • Quinoa.
  • Mustard greens.
  • Okra.

Which crop can grow without water?

Advocates say there are compelling reasons to look at millet-based traditional agriculture. 60 per cent of the country can grow millets, under rain-fed conditions, on different kinds of soils. Millets on one acre saves six million litres of water. Millets are far superior nutritionally to rice and wheat.

What crops grow in wetlands?

Table 1.

Crop (variety) Reference*
(Muir) 3
Soybean (Edison) 4
(Torch) 4
Maize (‘HTL lines’) 5

Which plants growing in wet and salty place?

Plants like Rhizophora and Avicennia grow on the sea shores under saline condition. For this, they have special roots for respiration which are called.

Which crops need less water growth?

60 per cent of the country can grow millets, under rain-fed conditions, on different kinds of soils. Millets on one acre saves six million litres of water. Millets are far superior nutritionally to rice and wheat. They have more protein, iron, calcium and fibre.

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What is crop water use?

Crop water use, also known as evapotranspiration (ET), represents soil evaporation and the water used by a crop for growth and cooling purposes. This water is extracted from the soil root zone by the root system, which represents transpiration and is no longer available as stored water in the soil.