
What are slides called in PowerPoint?

What are slides called in PowerPoint?

lecture slides
Lecture notes in slide format are referred to as lecture slides, frequently downloadable by students in . ppt or . pdf format.

Is PPT and PPTX the same?

PPTX is the default presentation file format for PowerPoint 2007 and newer. The older version of the PPTX file is PPT, which was used in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and older.

What is a .pptm file?

Files with PPTM extension are Macro-enabled Presentation files that are created with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or higher versions. PPTM, like PPTX, contains slides for different presentation elements like text, images, videos, graphs and other related material.

How do I save a PowerPoint as a PowerPoint?

Make a slide show that starts automatically when opened

  1. In PowerPoint, click File > Save as.
  2. Browse to the folder where you want to save your presentation.
  3. In the File name box, type a name for your presentation.
  4. Under Save as type, select PowerPoint Show.
  5. The file is saved as a . ppsx file.
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What are the different types of slides in PowerPoint?

Here are some layouts to help you build your arsenal of reusable slides within your company.

  • Title Slide layout.
  • Table of content Slide Layout.
  • Simple Text Content Slide layout.
  • Two Text Content Slide layout.
  • Content Slide layout [Text + Picture]
  • Content Slaide layout [Texts + Pictures]
  • Impact Message Slide Layout.

How do you slide in PowerPoint?

On the Home tab, click New Slide. In the New Slide dialog box, select the layout that you want for your new slide. Learn more about slide layouts. Select Add Slide.

Can you get PowerPoint for free?

Accessing Microsoft PowerPoint and other core Office programs is free via the web, and all you’ll need is a Microsoft account. Head over to and create an account, or log into one that you already have. When you work on a file here, it will be saved to OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage service.

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What does Pptx extension mean?

Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML
pptx file extension is a Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML (PPTX) file created by Microsoft PowerPoint. You can also open this type of file with other presentation apps, like OpenOffice Impress, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote.

What is a PowerPoint macro-enabled presentation?

A macro-enabled PowerPoint presentation is a presentation that uses macros. To effectively implement them, users need to understand security risks associated with macros, how to change PowerPoint macro settings and how to save a presentation that contains macros.

How do I convert PPTM to PPT?

How to convert PPTM to PPT

  1. Upload pptm-file(s) Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.
  2. Choose “to ppt” Choose ppt or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)
  3. Download your ppt.