
What are some good fanfic ideas?

What are some good fanfic ideas?

25 Fanfiction Writing Prompts

  • Two characters you love are sent to the past and work undercover as flower shop owners to change the outcome at a famous wedding.
  • A nemesis time-travels to change a superhero’s origin story, changing the course of that hero’s life — and their own.

How do you get an idea on fanfiction?

Story Ideas

  1. Make a fanfiction about your life or about a time in your life.
  2. Use your favorite genres as a foundation.
  3. Create a subplot from an already existing movie, TV show, or book.
  4. Write crossovers with different celebrities.

What are the best Avengers fanfiction?


  • Marvel, meet Percy Jackson (Discontinued)
  • Family Habits ( Percy Jackson and the Avengers)
  • The Youngest Avenger (a Percy Jackson/Avengers fan fic)
  • Percy Jackson and the Avengers crossover.
  • Percy Jackson and the avengers (crossover ) (1)
  • Flawed Design (Thor/Loki FanFiction)
  • Avengers Texts.
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What do you write in a fiction story?

Fiction Prompts – Ideas for Stories

  • a hitchhiker, an allergy, and a mistake in a map.
  • a cemetery, a missing dog, and a joke that goes too far.
  • a Halloween costume, a stapler, and a complaint between neighbors.
  • a stolen phone, a love song, and a bet.
  • a dance competition, an engagement ring, and a worried parent.

What are the best Marvel fanfics on Wattpad?


  • Avengers: chatroom? 1.6K 75 16.
  • AVENGERS CHATROOM. 1.3M 31.3K 143.
  • Marvel Imagines. 11.7M 377K 200.
  • the Hunger Games and the Avengers Chatroom. 9K 511 17.
  • Avengers Imagines. 3.2M 88.4K 150.
  • Avengers in a Chatroom! 3M 85.2K 107.
  • The Joy of Agony | Loki.

How do you come up with a unique story?

7 Ways to Come Up With Great Story Ideas

  1. Start With the Six Elements of Fiction. The blank page can be overwhelming.
  2. Start With a Story You Want to Read.
  3. Modify a Story Idea That Already Exists.
  4. Start With a Creative Writing Prompt.
  5. Find Inspiration in Wordplay.
  6. Let Yourself Experience Boredom.
  7. Start From Real Life.