
What are some of the open questions in string theory?

What are some of the open questions in string theory?

My top 10 string theory questions

  • Is spacetime four dimensional?
  • If not, does compactification work?
  • Does string theory work?
  • If so, is a 10-dimensional perturbation expansion reasonable for an 11-dimensional theory?
  • Are there any other strings than the D=10(11) and 26 ones?
  • Is supersymmetry useful?

What is the major problem with string theory?

One of the challenges of string theory is that the full theory does not have a satisfactory definition in all circumstances. Another issue is that the theory is thought to describe an enormous landscape of possible universes, which has complicated efforts to develop theories of particle physics based on string theory.

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What are some of the challenges of string theory?

One of the challenges of string theory is that the full theory does not have a satisfactory definition in all circumstances. Another issue is that the theory is thought to describe an enormous landscape of possible universes, which has complicated efforts to develop theories of particle physics based on string theory.

Is there an experiment to test string theory?

A proposed experiment to test string theory would cost more than the annual GDP of the entire planet to construct. Another hypothetical experiment which can perhaps check the validity of the math (but can’t determine whether the theory holds for everything) has even been attacked by string theorists!

What are the different parts of string theory?

String theory 1 Fundamentals. The fundamental objects of string theory are open and closed strings. 2 M-theory. 3 Black holes. 4 AdS/CFT correspondence. 5 Phenomenology. 6 Connections to mathematics. 7 History. 8 Criticism. 9 Notes. 10 References.

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Can string theory explain anything better than the standard millimeter?

However, for more than 40 years now, there has never been found a single piece of experimental data that can only be explained by string theory. String theory cannot explain anything better than the SM. A proposed experiment to test string theory would cost more than the annual GDP of the entire planet to construct.