
What are the advantages of the use of the seed drill sowing method instead of broadcast method?

What are the advantages of the use of the seed drill sowing method instead of broadcast method?

The advantages of drilling over broadcasting include a more uniform depth, some reduction (up to 20\%) of seeding rate, more uni- form emergence, and the ability to place a starter fertilizer (a low-nitrogen, high-phos- phorus fertilizer) with the seed.

What are the advantages of sowing seeds by using a seed drill?

Following are the advantages of sowing seeds with a seed drill: (i) Seed drill sows the seeds uniformly at proper distance and correct depths. (ii) It sows the seeds in regular rows. (iv) Sowing by using a tractor joined with seed drill saves time and labor.

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What is the advantage of seed drill over broadcasting?

Most sowings on irrigated soils are drilled. The advantages of drilling over broadcasting include a more uniform depth, some reduction (up to 20\%) of seeding rate, more uni- form emergence, and the ability to place a starter fertilizer (a low-nitrogen, high-phos- phorus fertilizer) with the seed.

What are the advantages of using seed drill class 8?

it saves time and labour charge.

  • it ensures that the seeds get covered by the soil after sowing.
  • this prevent the damage caused by birds.
  • this tool sows the seeds uniformly at proper distance and depths.
  • it prevents overcrowding.
  • What are the two main advantages of using seed drill over a traditional tool?

    1) Nowadays the seed drill is used for sowing with the help of tractors. This tool sows the seeds uniformly at proper distances and depths. It ensures that seeds get covered by the soil after sowing. 2) This prevents damage caused by birds.

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    What are the advantages of sowing seeds with a seed drill class 8?

    Advantages of Sowing with a dril

    • The seeds are sown at the correct depth and correct interval.
    • The seeds get covered by soil. Due to this these seeds cannot be picked up and eaten by the birds.
    • The seeds sown with a seed drill are in regular rows.
    • It saves time and labour.

    Why sowing seeds with seed drill is better than broadcasting class 8?

    The use of seed drill is better because by using seed drill, seeds are down at proper places and proper depth. The seeds are sown perfectly. But by broadcasting there is no proper distance between seeds and they are not at proper depth also. So farmers consider seed drill better than broadcasting.

    What are the two main advantages of using seed drill over traditional tools?

    Why it is better to sow seeds uniformly Class 8?

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    Sow seeds at uniform distances. Protect seeds from being eaten by birds. Saves time. Saves human labor.

    What are the advantages of using seed drill for sowing of seeds Class 8?

    What are the advantages of using a seed drill? Sowing of seeds at proper depth Seeds completely covered by soil No damage by birds None of These

    • Sowing of seeds at proper depth.
    • Seeds completely covered by soil.
    • No damage by birds.
    • None of These.

    What are the advantages of using a seed drill sowing seeds at proper depth complete soil coverage of seeds protection of seeds from birds contributes in weeding?

    (b) The advantages of seed drill are: Seeds are sown at a uniform distance and depth to avoid over crowding. After sowing, seeds are covered by soil which prevent them from being eaten by birds. It saves time and labour.