
What are the disadvantages of Optical Character Recognition?

What are the disadvantages of Optical Character Recognition?

Disadvantages of Optical character Reader (OCR) :

  • OCR text works efficiently with the printed text only and not with handwritten text.
  • OCR systems are expensive.
  • There is the need of lot of space required by the image produced.
  • The quality of the image can be lose during this process.

Can detect character on a printed document?

Literally, OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. It is a widespread technology to recognize text inside images, such as scanned documents and photos. OCR technology is used to convert virtually any kind of image containing written text (typed, handwritten, or printed) into machine-readable text data.

What is OCR issue?

OCR is not a stand-alone solution in human-machine communication. The main problem with OCR is that it only outputs unstructured characters. This necessitates the combination of other machine learning technologies into OCR. By that, users can reach structured data from their documents.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of optical mark reader?

Advantages of Optical Mark Read (OMR) Technology

  • OMR scanning is fast. An OMR scanner can maintain a throughput of 1,500 to 10,000 forms per hour.
  • OMR scanning is accurate.
  • OMR scanning is cost effective.
  • OMR scanning is easy to implement and support.

What can be the possible disadvantages of OMR Optical Mark Reader )?


  • If the marks don’t fill the space completely, or aren’t in a dark enough pencil, they may not be read correctly.
  • Only suitable for recording one out of a selection of answers, not suitable for text input.
  • The OMR reader needs the answers to be on the prepared forms which will all be identical to one another.

What affects OCR accuracy?

The Quality of the Scan One of the biggest factors is DPI or Dots per Inch. Setting the DPI lower than 200 will yield uninteligible results wheras setting it higher than 600dpi will just increase the size of the stored file without yielding much better results.

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Is optical character recognition accurate?

Obviously, the accuracy of the conversion is important, and most OCR software provides 98 to 99 percent accuracy, measured at the page level. This means that in a page of 1,000 characters, 980 to 990 characters will be accurate. In most cases, this level of accuracy is acceptable.

What is optical recognition system?

Optical character recognition (OCR) systems provide persons who are blind or visually impaired with the capacity to scan printed text and then have it spoken in synthetic speech or saved to a computer file. There are three essential elements to OCR technology—scanning, recognition, and reading text.

What is optical recognition write the name of three optical recognition devices?

(Usually just called “OCR”.) Intelligent character recognition (ICR) – also targets handwritten printscript or cursive text one glyph or character at a time, usually involving machine learning. Intelligent word recognition (IWR) – also targets handwritten printscript or cursive text, one word at a time.

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How does a optical character recognition system work?

How does it work? OCR analyses the patterns of light and dark that make up the letters and numbers to turn the scanned image into text. OCR systems need to recognise characters in various fonts, so rules are applied to help the system match what it sees in the picture to the right letters or numbers.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of optical character recognition?

14. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Advantages of OCR Disadvantages of OCR
The latest software can recreate tables and the original layout If the original document is of poor quality or the handwriting difficult to read, more mistakes will occur
Not worth doing for small amounts of text