
What are the duties of a worthy matron?

What are the duties of a worthy matron?

Worthy Matron. [W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office. Electa. To make known to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge and beauty of the Red ray, a symbol of that Fervency which should actuate all who are engaged in the service of truth, as exemplified in the life of Electa.

How does a woman become an Eastern Star?

We are the largest fraternal Order in the family of Freemasonry that admits both men and women to membership. Women wishing to join must either be related to a Master Mason or have been associated with Job’s Daughters International or the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.

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How do you become an Eastern Star in Texas?

of affiliated Master Masons in good standing, or if deceased were in good standing at the time of their death; as well as to members either active for 3 years or majority in the International Order of Rainbow for Girls or Jobs Daughters International,each of whom shall have attained to at least the age of eighteen (18) …

What is the badge of the worthy matron?

the Cross-swords within the Star
His badge is the Cross-swords within the Star, an emblem of protection, admonishing him that upon his watchful care depends our security against interruption.] W. M. Where is the Warder’s station? Chapter, Worthy Matron. W. M. Sister Warder.

What five stages of man does the Pentagon outline?

Birth, life, death.

  • Body, mind, soul.
  • Father, son, Holy Ghost.
  • Father, Mother, child.
  • How do I join the Daughters of the Eastern Star?

    The requirements to join the Order of the Eastern Star are that: You must be over the age of 18. You must be of good moral character….Become a Member of the Eastern Star

    1. the wife.
    2. the daughter.
    3. a legally adopted daughter.
    4. the mother.
    5. the widow.
    6. the sister.
    7. a half-sister.
    8. the granddaughter.
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    What religion is Eastern Star?

    The Order of the Eastern Star is not a religion. Although we celebrate the lives of Biblical women and we require a belief in a Supreme Being, the Order does not take the place of religious practice, worship, or substitute for (or supersede) the religious beliefs of its members.

    How can I join Eastern Star?

    How long does it take to become an Eastern Star?

    Dr. Rob Morris, the poet laureate of Masonry, formed the Order of the Eastern Star in 1850. How long after the election will that be? The initiation ceremony will be scheduled between one week after election to receive the degrees but not later than sixty (60) days.

    How many degrees is the Eastern Star?

    five degrees
    A belief in the existence of a Supreme Being. In the Order of the Eastern Star there are only five degrees, known as Adah, the daughter; Ruth, the widow; Esther, the wife; Martha, the sister; and Electa, the mother….SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS.

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    Worthy Matron, Marshal,
    Chaplain, Warder,

    What is the inspiration of the Order of the Eastern Star?

    The character-building lessons taught in the Order are stories inspired by Biblical figures: Adah (Jephthah’s daughter, from the Book of Judges). In Eastern Star, Adah is represented by the color blue and a sword and veil. Adah represents the virtue of obedience to duty.

    What are the 5 stages of man?

    The five ages of man is a Greek creation story that traces the lineage of mankind through five successive “ages” or “races” including the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age, the Age of Heroes, and the present (to Hesiod) Iron Age.