
What are the five things to do during emergency?

What are the five things to do during emergency?

Know your company’s plan.

  • Know your evacuation route.
  • Keep calm in an emergency.
  • Evacuate the building immediately upon hearing the fire alarm on your floor.
  • Listen for instructions from the Public Address Systems.
  • Close each door of the office as you leave.
  • Form a single file evacuation line – follow instructions.
  • What three things would you take if you had to leave your home in an emergency?

    You’ll want to bring your driver’s license, passport, health insurance cards, legal documents (birth certificates, social security cards, will, vehicle registration and ownership papers, marriage/divorce papers, etc.), financial records, such as bank account information, credit and debit cards, government benefits.

    What is the most important thing to do first in an emergency situation?

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    First Things to Do in Any Emergency Access the scenario for danger. Decide whether it is safer to evacuate or shelter-in-place. Once safely evacuated or sheltered-in-place, call for help using 911 and clearly explain what you know about the situation. Provide first aid for any injured people.

    What are the 3 things you should do when reacting to an emergency?

    It can be difficult to think clearly in the midst of an emergency. Training your brain before you find yourself in a high-pressure situation may help you save a life or potentially help someone in pain. There are three basic C’s to remember—check, call, and care.

    Do and don’ts during emergency?

    Emergency Do’s and Don’ts

    • Do communicate to your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors about emergency preparedness.
    • Do follow the directions of your public safety officials.
    • Do have a regular cord phone.
    • Do have an emergency “go” kit ready.
    • Do have at least 1 out-of-state contact.
    • Do have enough medicine.
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    What should be avoided during emergency?

    Don’t place anything (food, water, medicine, other metal objects) in the person’s mouth.

  • Do not try to hold the person down or restrain him or her, this can result in injury to you as well as to the person.
  • Don’t allow crowding, ensure sufficient ventilation around the person.
  • What do you do in an emergency evacuation?

    Emergency Evacuation Instructions

    • Stay calm.
    • Safely stop your work.
    • Gather your personal belongings if it is safe to do so.
    • If safe, close your office door and window, but do not lock them.
    • Use the nearest safe stairs and proceed to the nearest exit.
    • Proceed to the designated emergency evacuation assembly area.

    What do you do in case of emergency evacuation?

    During an Evacuation Download the FEMA app for a list of open shelters during an active disaster in your local area. Listen to a battery-powered radio and follow local evacuation instructions. Take your emergency supply kit. Leave early enough to avoid being trapped by severe weather.

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    What is the most important rule to remember in any emergency?

    As in any emergency situation, the most important rule is to always think SAFETY. Following basic safety precautions helps to keep you and other bystanders safe, and assists the trained first responders in identifying and controlling the release.

    What should you not do in an emergency?

    5 Things You Should Never Do In An Emergency

    • 1) Panic. When things go wrong, you need to stay calm.
    • 2) Rush. You probably feel like you don’t have much time to react, and you may not.
    • 3) Stop doing checklists. Checklists are there for a reason.
    • 4) Stop communicating.
    • 5) Stop flying the plane.

    What would make an emergency situation unsafe?

    Examples of dangers are downed power lines, falling rocks, traffic, a crime scene, a hostile crowd, violent behaviors, fire, smoke, dangerous fumes, extreme weather, and deep or swiftly moving water. If any of these dangers are threatening, do not approach the victim.