
What are the health risks of working nights?

What are the health risks of working nights?

10 Effects Of Working Night Shifts

  • 1) Interferes With Natural Sleep Rhythms.
  • 2) Increases Risk Of Breast Cancer.
  • 3) Increases Risk Of Heart Attack.
  • 4) Increases Risk Of Depression.
  • 5) Increases Risk Of Workplace Injury.
  • 6) Changes Your Metabolism.
  • 7) Increases Risk Of Obesity And Diabetes.

What are the risks of night shift schedule?

These include an increased risk of metabolic problems, heart disease, gastrointestinal difficulties, obesity, and certain cancers. Night shift work may also interfere with the body’s ability to repair DNA damage that occurs from normal cellular processes.

Are night shifts bad for health?

Night shift work has been consistently associated with higher risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer, research shows. The World Health Organization has also classified night shift work as a probable carcinogen due to circadian disruption. Working nights can also negatively affect your mental health too.

Is shift work associated with greater health risks?

Long-term exposure to night shift work may elevate the risk of breast cancer. There are also findings pointing to an elevated risk of colorectal cancer. Some studies indicate an elevated risk of preterm delivery, gastrointestinal disorders and mental health problems among shift workers.

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What is overnight shift?

An overnight shift is a work shift that takes place during the nighttime hours. The overnight shift is also called third shift, midnight shift, or graveyard shift. Most night shifts begin between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and end at 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 am.

Why does working night shift make me feel sick?

Night workers can feel cold, shaky, nauseous, sleepy and drowsy at this time. This is a normal reaction as the body is programmed to be less active at this time. It can be difficult to stay awake especially if work demands are low.

How can work schedules affect employee health and well being?

“The data reveals that exposure to routine instability in work schedules is associated with psychological distress, poor sleep quality, and unhappiness,” the researchers said.

Why do you want to work night shift?

The reasons to work night shift include items like increased pay, reduced competition on the job, coworkers who can relate, greater vacation flexibility, autonomy, less distractions and an ability to run errands when everyone else is working. Premium pay tends to be a significant factor in working the night-shift.