
What are the issues of land conflict in the Philippines?

What are the issues of land conflict in the Philippines?

Land distribution has been a salient issue for decades in the Philippines. In recent years though, population growth and degradation of productive land has led to increased stress and tensions between small farmers, wealthy landlords and the state.

What do you think is the problem or issues with land ownership in the Philippines?

However, the Philippine land market has not been efficiently functioning. Problems of boundary disputes, illegal occupation of state and forestlands, fake titles, inappropriate land valuation, and lack of commitment to environmental sustainability constrain the efficiency of land markets.

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Do you think the land reform in the Philippines are successful?

The rise of an agrarian reform movement has significantly contributed to the partial success of the government’s agrarian reform programme. But the government has not been able to tap the full potential of this movement to push for faster and more meaningful agrarian reform.

What would be the possible solution to prevent the loss of agricultural land?

Avoid mechanical soil disturbance to the extent possible. Avoid soil compaction beyond the elasticity of the soil. Maintain or improve soil organic matter during rotations until reaching an equilibrium level. Maintain organic cover through crop residues and cover crops to minimize erosion loss by wind and/or water.

How can land conflict be reduced?

In the immediate post-conflict period, humanitarian agencies, donors, and governments can:

  1. Carry out rapid tenure appraisals.
  2. Engage with governments and investors.
  3. Encourage land restitution strategies.
  4. Develop property claims registries.
  5. Resolve land disputes.
  6. Encourage transparent resource management.
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What are the common problems encountered in the implementing the various land reform programs in the Philippines?

Several weaknesses in land-use policy, administration and management adversely affect the efficiency of land markets, and thus the country’s economic growth potential and equity: (1) unclear and inconsistent land policies; (2) an inefficient land administration infrastructure; (3) a highly politicized land tax system; …

What are the different methods of dispute resolution are available and frequently used in Philippine jurisdiction?

The most commonly used ADR methods (and mandated by the courts) are mediation and judicial dispute resolution conferences. These are normally conducted before the trial proper begins. Is there a requirement for the parties to litigation or arbitration to consider ADR before or during proceedings?

What can you say about the agrarian reform in the Philippines is it successful or a failure?

In her study of 12 years of CARP implementation, Reyes (2001) says: “The results show that agrarian reform has had a positive impact on farmer-beneficiaries. It has led to increased real per capita incomes and reduced poverty incidence between 1990 and 2000.

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How can we solve the problem of agriculture in Nigeria?

Possible solutions to the problems of agriculture in Nigeria

  1. Among the first ways to change the situation is training and raising the level of education.
  2. The mechanization of agriculture.
  3. Upgrade the Agricultural Research Council to supervise, coordinate, and implement agricultural development.