
What are the king dividend stocks?

What are the king dividend stocks?

Company (Symbol) – Consecutive Years of Dividend Increases

  • Amer. States Water (AWR) – 67.
  • Dover (DOV) – 66.
  • Genuine Parts (GPC) – 65.
  • Procter & Gamble (PG) – 65.
  • Parker Hannifin (PH) – 65.
  • Emerson Electric (EMR) – 64.
  • 3M (MMM) – 63.
  • Johnson &Johnson (JNJ) – 59.

Which is better dividend kings or aristocrats?

The other big difference between Dividend Kings and Dividend Aristocrats is their history of increasing dividends. While Dividend Kings must have increased their dividends for at least 50 consecutive years, Dividend Aristocrats must only have increased them for the past 25 years.

Is AT still a dividend aristocrat?

The Aristocrat with the lowest dividend safety score from Simply Safe is AT (T), which yields a hefty 7.6\% and scores a 40. There has been much debate about that stock, whose dividend some investors consider to be risky. But it shows that not all Aristocrats can sustain dividend increases in perpetuity.

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Who are the dividend aristocrats in 2021?

Here are the three newest dividend aristocrats:

  • IBM.
  • NextEra Energy.
  • West Pharmaceutical Services.
  • Carrier Global Corp.
  • Otis Worldwide Corp.
  • Raytheon Technologies Corp.
  • Notable mention: AT.

Is JNJ a dividend aristocrat?

Johnson & Johnson has increased its dividend for 59 consecutive years. It is a Dividend Aristocrat, as well as a Dividend King due to its long history of dividend growth.

Is Exxon still a dividend aristocrat?

In 2020, amid the pandemic, weak oil prices, and concerns that it was spending too heavily on growth projects, Exxon Mobil did not increase the common stock dividend, and kept it at 87 cents a share per quarter. That allowed it to remain a Dividend Aristocrat.

Is AbbVie a dividend aristocrat?

AbbVie is a member of the S&P Dividend Aristocrats Index, which tracks companies that have annually increased their dividend for at least 25 consecutive years. The stock repurchase program supersedes any existing repurchase authorizations. Purchases may be made from time to time in management’s discretion.

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Is Abbott a dividend aristocrat?

Abbott Laboratories (ABT) is a very well-known dividend growth stock, and for good reason. The company is a member of the exclusive Dividend Aristocrats a group of elite dividend stocks with 25+ years of consecutive dividend increases.