
What are the materials used for SCC?

What are the materials used for SCC?

Materials Used for Self Compacting Concrete

  • Cement. Ordinary Portland cement either 43 or 53 grade cement can be used.
  • Aggregates. The size of the aggregates used for SCC design is limited to 20mm.
  • Water.
  • Mineral Admixtures.
  • Chemical Admixtures.

Which admixture is used in concrete?

15 Types of Admixtures Used in Concrete

  • Water Reducing Admixtures.
  • Retarding Admixtures.
  • Accelerating Admixtures.
  • Air Entraining Concrete Admixture.
  • Pozzolanic Admixtures.
  • Damp-proofing Admixtures.
  • Gas forming Admixtures.
  • Air detraining Admixtures.

What is self-compacting concrete made of?

Self-compacting concretes (SCC) are made with superplasticisers and viscosity modifying admixtures (VMAs). See Fig. 22.7 which shows that, together, they increase the plastic viscosity and reduce the yield. This will give a very high, but slow, slump.

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What are the characteristics of self-compacting concrete?

To be classified as SCC, concrete must have certain vital features: filling ability, or excellent deformability, and ability to pass through reinforcement without blocking.

Which type of admixture are used for increasing workability of concrete?

ASTM C494 Type F and Type G, High Range Water Reducer (HRWR) and retarding admixtures are used to reduce the amount of water by 12\% to 30\% while maintaining a certain level of consistency and workability (typically from 75 mm to 200 mm) and to increase workability for reduction in w/cm ratio.

What is the role of admixture in concrete?

Admixtures are used in concrete to alter its properties in various ways. Some common uses include improving workability, increasing or decreasing cure time, and increasing concrete strength. Admixtures can also be used for aesthetic reasons, such as to change the color of the cement.

What is SCC used for?

SCC can be used for casting heavily reinforced sections, places where there can be no access to vibrators for compaction and in complex shapes of formwork which may otherwise be impossible to cast, giving a far superior surface than conventional concrete.

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What are the design considerations for SCC?

design a SCC mix having 29\% of coarse aggregate content and 388 litre/m3 of paste volume, 5\%, 10\%, 15\% & 20\% replacement of cement with Metakaolin and 10\%,20\%&30\% replacement with class F fly ash and 0.36 water/cement ratio (by weight).

Which admixture is used to improve the workability of concrete?

Concrete Admixtures: Superplasticizers It has been found that for most types of cement, superplasticizer improves the workability of concrete. One problem associated with using a high range water reducer in concrete is slump loss.

What are the properties of self-compacting concrete?

Self-Compacting Concrete Properties. Self-compacting concrete with a similar water cement or cement binder ratio will usually have a slightly higher strength compared with traditional vibrated concrete, due to the lack of vibration giving an improved interface between the aggregate and hardened paste.

What is self-consolidating concrete and how does it work?

Self-consolidating concrete is a highly flowable type of concrete that spreads into the form without the need for mechanical vibration. Self-compacting concrete is a non-segregating concrete that is placed by means of its own weight.

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What is the difference between SCC and regular concrete?

The concrete mix of SCC must be placed at a relatively higher velocity than that of regular concrete. Self-compacting concrete has been placed at heights taller than 5 meters without aggregate segregation. It can also be used in areas with normal and congested reinforcement, with aggregates as large as 2 inches.

What are the benefits of using reinforced concrete?

Some of those benefits are: Improved constructability. Labor reduction. Bond to reinforcing steel. Improved structural Integrity. Accelerates project schedules. Reduces skilled labor. Flows into complex forms. Reduces equipment wear. Minimizes voids on highly reinforced areas.