
What are the ranks in the French gendarmerie?

What are the ranks in the French gendarmerie?

Comparative ranks of French police services

# Police nationale Gendarmerie nationale
1. Directeur général de la police nationale Général d’armée
2. Directeur des Services Actifs Général de corps d’armée
3. Inspecteur Général Général de division
4. Contrôleur Général Général de brigade

What is the policing system in France?

France actually has three police systems: Police Nationale under the Interior Ministry, the Gendarmerie under the Defense Ministry, and municipal police. The Police Nationale employs approximately 125,000 people. The Gendarmerie employs about 90,000 people and provides police services in rural areas.

Whats a French police officer called?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for FRENCH POLICE OFFICER [gendarme]

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What gendarmerie means?

1 : a member of a body of soldiers especially in France serving as an armed police force for the maintenance of public order. 2 : police officer.

What country has gendarmerie?

List of active gendarmeries

Country or territory English name
Turkey Gendarmerie General Command
Turkmenistan Internal Troops
State Border Service of Turkmenistan
Ukraine National Guard

What does the gendarmerie do?

The Gendarmerie’s missions belong to three categories: Administrative police (police administrative), upholding public order, safety checks and traffic controls, assistance to people in imminent danger, protection duties, etc.

What is the role of the gendarmerie?

In France and some Francophone nations, the gendarmerie is a branch of the armed forces responsible for internal security in parts of the territory (primarily in rural areas and small towns in the case of France) with additional duties as military police for the armed forces.

What is gendarmerie in English?

Definition of gendarme 1 : a member of a body of soldiers especially in France serving as an armed police force for the maintenance of public order. 2 : police officer.

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Is gendarmerie a French word?

A gendarmerie (/ʒɒnˈdɑːrməri, ʒɒ̃-/) is a military force with law enforcement duties among the civilian population. The term gendarme (English: /ˈʒɒndɑːrm/) is derived from the medieval French expression gens d’armes, which translates to “men-at-arms” (literally, “armed people”).