
What are the techniques of troubleshooting?

What are the techniques of troubleshooting?

Troubleshooting usually follows a systematic, four-step approach; identify the problem, plan a response, test the solution, and resolve the problem. Steps one to three are often repeated multiple times before a resolution is reached.

What are 3 of the techniques you could use for basic troubleshooting?

There are some basic troubleshooting techniques you can use to fix issues like this….We recommend starting by using the following tips.

  • Write down your steps.
  • Take notes about error messages.
  • Always check the cables.
  • Restart the computer.

What are the troubleshooting tools and techniques?

This article reviews the top 10 basic tools that can help you troubleshoot most networking issues.

  1. Ping. The most commonly used network tool when network troubleshooting is the ping utility.
  2. Tracert/traceroute.
  3. Ipconfig/ifconfig.
  4. Nslookup.
  5. Netstat.
  6. PuTTY/Tera Term.
  7. Subnet and IP Calculator.
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How do you troubleshoot connectivity issues?

8 Easy-to-Do Ways to Troubleshoot Network Connection

  1. Check Your Settings. First, check your Wi-Fi settings.
  2. Check Your Access Points.
  3. Go Around Obstacles.
  4. Restart the Router.
  5. Check the Wi-Fi Name and Password.
  6. Check DHCP Settings.
  7. Update Windows.
  8. Open Windows Network Diagnostics.

What is the basic troubleshooting?

Troubleshooting is the process of diagnosing the source of a problem. It is used to fix problems with hardware, software, and many other products. The basic theory of troubleshooting is that you start with the most general (and often most obvious) possible problems, and then narrow it down to more specific issues.

What is the most basic troubleshooting?


  • Don’t panic. Relax.
  • Prepare for the worst — back it up.
  • Make sure there really is a problem.
  • Know your computer.
  • Look for clues and write them down.
  • Think about what changed recently on your computer.
  • Determine repeatability.
  • Reboots can do wonders sometimes.
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What is troubleshooting and its types?

Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes on a machine or a system. Troubleshooting is needed to identify the symptoms. Determining the most likely cause is a process of elimination—eliminating potential causes of a problem.

What are the basic troubleshooting steps?

The troubleshooting process steps are as follows:

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Establish a theory of probable cause.
  3. Test the theory to determine the cause.
  4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.
  5. Verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventive measures.

What are the common network issues and solutions?

Here are some of the most common network issues that people encounter along with their solutions:

  • Computer Viruses. The Problem: Help!
  • Unable to Connect to the Internet.
  • Duplicated IP Address.
  • Slow Performance.
  • IP Address Exhaustion.
  • VPN Errors.
  • Connection Errors and Network Connectivity.