
What are trade union laws?

What are trade union laws?

The Trade Union Act 2016 (TUA) was first implemented on 01 March 2017, introducing new restrictions on trade unions and their members as to how and when they could take industrial action, fund political parties, and conduct their duties.

Does Sweden have trade unions?

There are three trade union confederations in Sweden: LO, TCO and Saco. LO or- ganise blue-collar workers, TCO white-collar workers and Saco professionals.

What are the labor laws in Sweden?

Sweden doesn’t have a legal minimum wage. However, wages are usually set by collective agreements between employers and trade unions. About 90\% of workers in Sweden, including non-union members, are protected by collective agreements. These agreements regulate wages as well as working conditions.

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How do trade unions protect workers?

Trade unions are independent, membership-based organisations of workers that represent and negotiate on behalf of working people. They give advice when their members have problems at work, represent members in discussions with employers, and help improve wages and working conditions by negotiating with employers.

Can I be stopped from joining a union?

Can my employer prevent me from becoming a member of a trade union? No. Every worker has a right, by law, to choose whether or not to belong to a trade union or to participate in lawful union activities.

How many trade unions are in Sweden?

There are approx. 110 different trade unions and employer’s organisations on the Swedish labour market. The parties have agreed on more than 650 collective bargaining agreements. Almost one out of ten employers in Sweden are members of an employers’ organisation and approx.

How do Swedish unions operate?

Swedish unions are powerful and they regulate essential parts of the Swedish work market. This is done by collective agreements – so called kollektivavtal that are the result of agreements between the unions and employers´ organisations. Note: kollektivavtal apply to all employees, even non-union-members.

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Does Sweden have right to work laws?

The employment relationship in Sweden is based on the freedom of contract, and the parties are fairly free to agree upon the terms and conditions of the employment. However, the employer has only limited ability to unilaterally change employment contracts that are already agreed.

Can I get fired in Sweden?

According to the Swedish Employment Protection Act (LAS) termination of employment is always due either to a shortage of work or to personal reasons. However, you cannot claim a shortage of work if the reason you wish to terminate someone’s employment is in fact personal.