
What are Webtoons like unOrdinary?

What are Webtoons like unOrdinary?

Korean Webtoons Like UnOrdinary

  • Hardcore Leveling Warrior. Similarity. Action.
  • I’m the Grim Reaper. Similarity. Action.
  • Tower of God. Similarity. Action.
  • Solo Leveling. Similarity. Action.
  • City of Dead Sorcerer. Similarity. Action.
  • Noblesse. Similarity. Action. Art.
  • Gosu (The Master) Similarity. Action. Art.
  • Code Adam. Similarity. Action. Art.

What is the WebToon unOrdinary about?

unORDINARY follows the life of John Doe, a male teenager attending Wellston Private High School, a prestigious school where every student possesses all kinds of special powers. Due to him being a cripple (ordinary), John is bullied and beaten by others on a daily basis.

Will the WebToon unOrdinary become an anime?

Tower of God And God Of High School bother were licensed by Crunchyroll, so there’s a high chance that Crunchyroll will come through for unOrdinary anime as well. Analyzing market trends and how the industry is right now, we expect the unOrdinary anime release date to be somewhere around fall 2021 or summer 2022.

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What is the age rating for unOrdinary?

Em’s WebToon Reviews — unOrdinary – uru-chan Age rating: PG-13 Em’s…

What country does unOrdinary take place?

It is the main setting of unORDINARY. It is unclear if Uru-chan was inspired by the real-world Wellston Public High School in Wellston, Ohio.

What is John’s power in unOrdinary?

Aura Manipulation
Once John used his ability in Chapter 55, he was seen copying abilities used by others. Because of this, John’s ability had the placeholder name “Ability Mimicry”. In Chapter 148, John’s ability is officially called “Aura Manipulation”.

What is John’s power unordinary?

Can a 12 year old have Webtoon?

Overall webtoon has a very strong pg-13 policy and they have mature Content warning for they mature webtoons.