
What are Weirwood trees based on?

What are Weirwood trees based on?

The closest to a real-life weirwood is the Socotra Dragon tree (dracaena cinnabari), which can be found in the Socotra archipelago, part of Yemen, in the Arabian Sea.

Do Weirwood trees really exist?

Weirdwoods aren’t real, as there isn’t any common Flora with such bizarre ecology. The weirwood is a species of deciduous trees found in Westeros , now found most commonly in the north and beyond the Wall. The plants once covered the “island” of Westerosi but now restricted to the Rocky and cold North.

What do the trees represent in Game of Thrones?

1 The Trees Are Gods Followers of the old gods see the trees as symbols of their gods, but the Children see the trees as actual gods. Maybe the endgame of the series is Westeros recognizing the divine status of trees. This really cements the theory that Game of Thrones is one big global warming allegory.

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What kind of trees are in Game of Thrones?

Weirwoods are a deciduous tree found throughout Westeros with white bark and blood-red leaves. They live for an extraordinary amount of time and have supernatural properties. All weirwood trees seemingly tap into a magical network running through the world and are connected in some way to the Old Gods of the Forest.

What kind of tree is in Winterfell?

weirwood tree
A weirwood tree in the godswood of Winterfell. Weirwood is a species of deciduous tree found all over Westeros; it has white bark with five-pointed, blood-red leaves and sap. The heart trees are weirwood trees with faces carved on their barks found in the center of godswoods.

Who is the man in the tree in Game of Thrones?

It is speculated by fans that mysterious figure is the three-eyed crow: he has white skin and hair, lives inside a tree, and (according to Leaf) has a thousand eyes and one; the boy is Bran.

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Why do Weirwoods have faces?

Weirwoods have red sap, which leaks out of the deep cuts in the trunk made for the eyes of the faces – giving the appearance that they are weeping tears of blood. The faces are thought to have been carved by the Children of the Forest and were later worshiped by the First Men as well.

What type of tree is a Weirwood tree?

deciduous tree
Weirwood is a species of deciduous tree found all over Westeros; it has white bark with five-pointed, blood-red leaves and sap. The heart trees are weirwood trees with faces carved on their barks found in the center of godswoods.

What kind of tree is the Godswood?

Why do Weirwood trees bleed?

Heart trees are sacred in the religion of the Old Gods of the Forest, and the closest thing to a “shrine” that the religion possesses. Weirwoods have red sap, which leaks out of the deep cuts in the trunk made for the eyes of the faces – giving the appearance that they are weeping tears of blood.