
What can I expect at a Marine ball?

What can I expect at a Marine ball?

The Ball will have very somber moments as well as ones rich with tradition like the cake cutting ceremony and speeches from guests of honor, and the presentation of the colors. Some Balls have complimentary drinks, others you have to pay.

Is the Marine Corps ball fun?

“The Marine Corps Ball is a fun tradition,” Fitch said. “It’s a time where you get to celebrate with your brothers and sisters. You get to celebrate 238 years of the Marine Corps. It’s fine to have fun.”

What do you wear to Marine Corps ball?

A simple way to choose an outfit is to base it on the uniform your service member is wearing. As Marines will be wearing their Dress Blues female guests should select a floor length gown to match the formality of the dress uniform. Male guests should wear a suit and tie or tuxedo. Do be respectful of tradition.

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How do Marines Celebrate Marine Corps Birthday?

The Marine Corps Birthday is celebrated by Marines all around the world every year on Nov. 10. The most notable ceremonial event is the cake-cutting ceremony, which signifies the passing of time-honored traditions from the older generation to the younger generation.

Can girlfriends attend military balls?

A military ball is an opportunity to bring everyone together to celebrate their service and to have some fun at the same time. Those who serve in the military receive an invite, and each service member may bring one guest. Also, the guest can be a date, a spouse, or a girlfriend/boyfriend.

What should you not wear to a Marine ball?

Anything knee-length or above is considered a cocktail dress or semi-formal and is, traditionally, not considered appropriate for a formal ball event. Male military spouses and dates should wear a tuxedo, or a very nice black suit with a tie.

Are military balls fun?

Military balls are supposed to be a fun celebration, but this is still a work event for your service member. That means you should have fun, but you shouldn’t get so drunk that you lose control of yourself, or that you perform a strip-tease on the dance floor.