
What can smell like a skunk?

What can smell like a skunk?

That’s sewer gas. It’s easy to get sewer gas confused with the smell of natural gas. So, if you smell something like a skunk in your home, you must call the local natural gas company immediately and evacuate the building if the odor is strong—a natural gas leak can lead to a violent explosion.

Why does my house smell like burnt marshmallows?

Burning Smell But there are more subtle ways a fire can start in your home – the most common being the electrical wiring of the house. It might even smell like cooking marshmallows over the fire – a pleasant smell on its own, but not so much if you don’t have a campfire around!

Why does the air smell like skunk?

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If Your Air Conditioner Smells Like Skunk For the most part, a skunk-like scent indicates a gas leak in your system. Specifically, methyl mercaptan, a gas that smells a lot like a skunk’s spray, could be getting into your ductwork and causing this smell in your home.

Do skunks always smell?

The telltale of a skunk’s presence is usually known only after the skunk has intentionally sprayed his scent to ward off a perceived threat. Among captive skunks, those who are de-scented have no odor to speak of, but a pet skunk in possession of his scent glands may release odor without meaning to.

Does ammonia smell like gas?

What is ammonia? At room temperature, ammonia is a colorless gas with a very pungent odor. This odor is familiar to many people because ammonia is used commonly in cleaning products and smelling salts.

What else smells like wet dog?

Wet Dog Smell Nothing smells quite the same as a dirty, wet dog, but squirrels, raccoons, and rats give off a similar odor. So, if you don’t own a pooch but keep getting a whiff of wet dog, you may have rodents in residence.

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Why does my bathroom smell like wet dog?

Wet Dog Smell A wet dog smell coming out of your sink or faucet often indicates a buildup of bacteria if you have a well. In this scenario, you would want to treat the well water with chlorine. However, if you don’t have a well, the water odor is most likely coming from your hot water pipe.