
What caused the Nexus event in Loki Episode 4?

What caused the Nexus event in Loki Episode 4?

In Loki episode 4, it wasn’t Loki and Sylvie touching that triggered the nexus event, but what the touch symbolized: they are no longer alone. That’s pretty much what I said, that Loki wasn’t meant to fall in love. So Loki was never meant to find love and when he did, boom, nexus event.

How did Loki create a nexus event on Lamentis?

The two Loki variants touching and developing feelings for each other supposedly causes a nexus event that finally alerts the TVA to their whereabouts. The organization captures Loki and Sylvie before Lamentis-1 is destroyed.

What was Sylvie’s nexus event in Loki?

Just before meeting the Time-Keepers, Sylvie asked Ravonna what her Nexus event was. She had been on the run from the TVA since childhood following her arrest (which Ravonna handled herself). But the child Sylvie was just playing with her toys in Asgard when the TVA took her.

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What was Loki’s first nexus event?

Titled The Nexus Event, episode 4 of Loki begins with a brief flashback scene, showing how a young Sylvie was first captured by the TVA as a child. The episode is truly kicked into gear when we catch up with present-day Loki and Sylvie after the previous chapter’s cliffhanger ending saw them stranded on a doomed moon.

How did Loki get off Lamentis?

While trapped in an imminent apocalypse with no way out on the planet Lamentis, both Lokis were nearly wiped out and were only saved due to Sylvie and Loki holding hands just before they were about to die. This alerted the TVA to their location and they were promptly rescued…

Did Odin care about Loki?

Yes, Odin loved Loki very much. Notice how happy and at peace he was when both Thor and Loki showed up and stood by him in his final moments in “Thor: Ragnarok.” And he called them both “son” when he was talking with them.

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Why did Loki create Sylvie?

Amidst the battle around them, Wiccan revealed how Loki created her and the need to fortify the base before she could return. Sylvie then assisted him and Coat against Robert Reynolds, AKA Sentry, whom they banished with a spell.

Why did Sylvie push Loki?

By the time of the finale, those feelings seemed clear to both Loki and Sylvie, though she could not let go of her anger at He Who Remains, forcing her to send Loki back to the TVA so she could kill the man who ruined her life.

What causes Nexus Event?

According to the Disney+ series, Nexus Events are moments in the sacred timeline when branch realities are created. In other words, they are events caused by variants breaking off from the path set forth by the TVA’s Time Keepers, who guard over the Sacred Timeline and which threaten to throw reality into chaos.

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What is meant by Nexus Event in Loki?

A “Nexus Event” in the Loki Disney Plus series, is any event which causes a new timeline to arise from the “sacred timeline.” It is basically an event that is not supposed to happen according to the dictates of those who give guidance to the TVA.