
What color would a green object be in red light?

What color would a green object be in red light?

A Green object will ABSORB its complement (Magenta = Red + Blue). So, since Red light is ABSORBED by the Green pigmented object, NO LIGHT reflects back to your eyes, thus you “see” black.

What happens if you shine a red light on a green object?

Red objects reflect red light, green objects reflect green light, and so on. All of that red light gets absorbed and the blue object will seem to be dark, almost black. If you now shine a blue light onto that blue object all the blue can reflect off of that “blue mirror” and you will see the colors again!

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What color is a green object through a red filter?

If a green and a red filter are placed together, what colours would you expect to be transmitted? (Answer – no colour will be transmitted, it will appear black. This is because a pure red filter only allows through red light and a pure green filter only allows through green light.

Does green absorb red light?

Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll. As shown in detail in the absorption spectra, chlorophyll absorbs light in the red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum. Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green.

What happens when orange light hits a green object?

If the light is “orange,” and the subject is “green,” then the subject probably will appear to be very dark, maybe black depending on how much of that exact wavelength it reflects.

Why does a green object look green?

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Untitled Document. e.g., a black object scatters little light, and absorbs light at all visual wavelengths; a green object scatters more green light than other colours, which it absorbs more.

What Colour would a red ball look like in red light?

The red and green parts are absorbed by the book. What happens when red light shines on a red ball? It continues to reflect the red light, and so it is still red — but a white ball would also look red in red light, because it reflects all colors.

What color is passed through red filter?

An ideal red filter transmits only red light and absorbs all other colors. In this ideal case, a picture containing red, green, and blue would appear red and black when viewed through a red filter. A red filter blocks green light and blue light: Only red light can get through to your eyes.

What Colour will a green leaf placed in green light appear to be?

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If we place a green leaf in a bright room illuminated by white light, the green leaf receives all the colours from the white light, and reflects the green colour light only. So the leaf appears as green.

Do red objects absorb green light?

A red pigment is capable of absorbing cyan light. That is, red paper can absorb both green and blue primary colors of light (recall that cyan light is a mixture of green and blue light). So red and green light shine on the paper; and green light is subtracted.