
What determines the conformation of a protein?

What determines the conformation of a protein?

Proteins have a shape — a conformation. This is determined by the amino acid sequence. The shape is sensitive to physical and chemical conditions around the protein molecule: pH, ionic strength and temperature will affect protein conformation.

What is the meaning of conformational entropy?

Conformational entropy is the entropy associated with the number of conformations of a molecule. The conformational entropy associated with a particular structure or state, such as an alpha-helix, a folded or an unfolded protein structure, is then dependent on the probability of the occupancy of that structure.

How is it possible for a protein to maintain a specific conformation?

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Within a protein, multiple amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds, thereby forming a long chain. The chemistry of amino acid side chains is critical to protein structure because these side chains can bond with one another to hold a length of protein in a certain shape or conformation.

Does conformational entropy affect protein folding?

The Folding of Proteins and Nucleic Acids Conformational entropy is the major force opposing protein folding.

How does the conformation of a protein relate to its function?

The shape of a protein is critical to its function because it determines whether the protein can interact with other molecules. Protein structures are very complex, and researchers have only very recently been able to easily and quickly determine the structure of complete proteins down to the atomic level.

How is entropy of configurational calculated?

Configurational Entropy, Entropy of Mixing This can be expressed in the relationship: S = k Ln W, where W is the thermodynamic probability of the state. W is a measure of the number of different ways in which a particular configuration can be achieved.

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How does hydrophobic effect drive protein folding?

The major driving force in protein folding is the hydrophobic effect. This is the tendency for hydrophobic molecules to isolate themselves from contact with water. As a consequence during protein folding the hydrophobic side chains become buried in the interior of the protein.

How do you determine conformational changes?

Conformational change is detected when biomolecules are immobilized to the surface. Rather than absorbing and re-emitting light as in fluorescence, light is reflected in a nonlinear way off of a surface.

Which of the following gives information about conformational change in proteins?

Dual-polarization interferometry is a benchtop technique capable of providing information about conformational changes in biomolecules. A specific nonlinear optical technique called second-harmonic generation (SHG) has been recently applied to the study of conformational change in proteins.

What is the difference between thermal entropy and configurational entropy?

The key difference between configurational entropy and thermal entropy is that configurational entropy refers to the work done without an exchange in temperature, whereas thermal entropy refers to the work done with the exchange in temperature. In this, entropy is a measure of the randomness of a thermodynamic system.

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What is configurational energy?

1. Refers to the potential energy associated with the various forces within the elements of a physical system.