
What did Alfred do while Bruce was training?

What did Alfred do while Bruce was training?

In this version Alfred was an actor on the English Stage, who agreed to become the Wayne’s butler, only so as to honor the dying wish of his father. At the time he begins working for the Wayne’s when Bruce was but a young child. Following his father’s death, he then became the Wayne Family Butler.

What does Alfred do for Bruce Wayne?

Behind every hero lies his main man, one who is his best friend, confidant, support system and, often, a surrogate father figure. For Batman this “wingman” is Alfred, who tirelessly serves as his butler and assistant.

Did Alfred teach Batman how do you fight?

Without his training, there’s no way Batman could compete with the villains of Gotham City, but it’s Alfred’s words that truly give him an edge in a fight. Even though Alfred was only teaching Bruce about chess, the Dark Knight sees quick wits and preparedness as a great tool to use against his enemies.

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Why does Alfred let Bruce be Batman?

He knows how capable, focused and determined his master is, so he is willing to help in any way possible, the perfect loyal assistant. Originally Answered: How did Alfred help Bruce Wayne to become Batman? Alfred has acted as a Father figure to Bruce since his parents died when he was 8.

What was Batman training?

After his parents’ murders, Bruce decides to leave Gotham and spends his young adult years travelling to foreign countries. He is later trained by a martial arts expert at a monastery located in the mountains of Korea. After several years, Bruce returns to Gotham and starts his crime-fighting career as Batman.

What type of training did Batman do?

Batman had many teachers. The first and most well known is the league of assassins. Which is where most of his combat/stealth training came from, although Wild Cat is believed to have taught him boxing. In all Batman has “mastered” all known forms of martial arts (which by the way is impossible!!

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What happened to Alfred’s eye?

If Batman refuses to unmask himself, he frees Alfred by throwing a Batarang at his restraints. Now freed, he attacks Vicki, but loses his eye when it is blasted out with her concussion staff.

What did Bruce Wayne learn in his youth?

Bruce Wayne swore an oath to rid the city of the evil that had taken his parents’ lives. He spent his youth traveling the world, training himself to intellectual and physical perfection and learning a variety of crime-fighting skills, including chemistry, criminology, forensics, martial arts, gymnastics, disguise and escape artistry.

What martial arts does Bruce Wayne know?

He was trained in kung fu by Richard Dragon. He was also trained in archery by Oliver Queen. At the age of 17, Bruce was trained by detective Harvey Harris to improve his detective skills.

How old was Bruce Wayne when he became a detective?

At the age of 17, Bruce was trained by detective Harvey Harris to improve his detective skills. At age 20, he attempted to join the FBI, but after learning about its regulations and conduct, Wayne deducted that he would never be able to completely oppose crime while working within the legal system.

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What is Bruce Wayne’s secret identity?

In his secret identity he is Bruce Wayne, billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy. Although he has no superhuman powers, he is one of the world’s smartest men and greatest fighters. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. He is also a founding member of the Justice League and the Outsiders.