
What did the Democratic Republicans believe about the economy?

What did the Democratic Republicans believe about the economy?

The Democratic-Republicans believed in protecting the interests of the working classes—merchants, farmers, and laborers. They believed that an agrarian economy would best serve these citizens.

Which position did the Republican of the nineteenth century but not the Democrats support?

Government should play a major role in the lives of the American people. Which position did the Republicans of the nineteenth century but not the Democrats support? The government should own all railroads and telephone and telegraph lines.

Why did Democratic-Republicans and Federalists disagree on the establishment of a national bank?

creation of the Bank of the United States which could issue loans. Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans were strongly against the idea of a National Bank, arguing that the Constitution did not say anything about making a National Bank. Federal government support itself financially.

Why did the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans emerged?

The political parties of the 1790s emerged because of disagreements over three main issues: the nature of government, the economy and foreign policy. By understanding these disagreements we can begin to understand the conditions that allowed for the origin of the two-party system in the United States.

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Why did the Republican Party lose political dominance in the 1870 and 1880s?

Why did the Republican Party lose political dominance in the 1870s and 1880s? Americans were disappointed by the failure of Reconstruction-era policies. What position did the Populist Party support? The government should own all railroads and telephone and telegraph lines.

What did Mugwumps believe?

The Mugwumps were Republican political activists in the United States who were intensely opposed to political corruption. They were never formally organized….

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Ideology Anti-corruption Liberalism Pro-Cleveland
Politics of United States Political parties Elections