
What did ww2 people eat for breakfast?

What did ww2 people eat for breakfast?

meat (Mar 1940) jam (Mar 1941) biscuits ( Aug 1942),
fish tea (Jul 1940) breakfast cereals,
cheese (May 1941) eggs (June 1941) milk,
tinned tomatoes (Feb. 1942) peas (Feb. 1942) dried fruit Jan 1942
rice (Jan 1942) canned fruit, cooking fat (Jul 1940)

What did they feed soldiers in ww2?

During wartime, people commonly used recipes that called for little to no sugar, eggs and milk. One popular dessert was a Tomato Soup Cake that used a can of tomato soup instead of milk. A popular dish called Olive Relish mixed lime Jell-O with olives, sweet pickles and celery for a festive dessert.

What food did US soldiers eat in ww2?

Biscuits and salt meat were the staples, with the monthly vegetable ration often restricted to two potatoes and an onion per man. Many soldiers developed scurvy, which led to inflamed gums, making the hard biscuits difficult to eat.

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What did soldiers have for breakfast?

A typical day, writes Murlin, might include breakfast of oatmeal, pork sausages, fried potatoes, bread and butter and coffee; lunch of roast beef, baked potatoes, bread and butter, cornstarch pudding and coffee; and dinner of beef stew, corn bread, Karo syrup, prunes, and tea.

What food was not rationed in WW2?

Fruit and vegetables were never rationed but were often in short supply, especially tomatoes, onions and fruit shipped from overseas. The government encouraged people to grow vegetables in their own gardens and allotments. Many public parks were also used for this purpose.

What did German soldiers eat in WW2?

Standard German rations for SS units in the field consisted of a four-day supply: about 25 ounces of Graubrot (gray rye bread); 6-10 ounces of Fleisch (canned meat) or Wurst (canned sausage); some five ounces of vegetables; a half ounce of butter, margarine, jam, or hazelnut paste; either real or ersatz coffee; five …