
What do you do with old SLR cameras?

What do you do with old SLR cameras?

What to Do With Your Old Camera? Here Are Six Ideas

  • Sell.
  • Donate to Schools.
  • Donate to Charities.
  • Repurpose.
  • Backup.
  • Use.

Do 35mm SLR cameras have any value?

Film format Those cameras are not valuable because they’re not usable, with some exception for collectability.” Cameras that take 35mm film and 120 film are among the most popular. Also, 120 cameras, called medium format or 120 cameras, can be very valuable, and also very beautiful.

What is the best 35mm SLR camera for beginners?

We’ve already looked at three of our favorite 35mm SLR cameras which were popular enough in their own day but have become legends since then: the ground-breaking Canon AE-1, the mechanical Nikon FM2 and the students’ favorite, the dependable, no-nonsense Pentax K1000.

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Will my converted SLR/DSLR lose its collector value?

For information on this project from inception to completion and for tips on using your new SLR/DSLR go to X Over Cameras blog By the way, your converted SLR is easily changed back to a film camera, so has lost none of it’s collector value.

How can I make a 35mm film back smaller?

The film back needs to be removable. You need to be able to slip a filter holder up behind the SLR mirror against the shutter frame. The focussing screen can be removed to mask it to a smaller viewing size. The camera I have used is a Nikon FE. I could do the same to a Nikon FE2 and a Canon A1. Many other high end 35mm SLR cameras will be suitable.

Are there any modern SLR cameras like Pentax?

The classic Pentax is no longer, nor does Canon produce a film SLR. Minolta long since sold out to Sony. Well of course there are. Of course the IPhone and other phones have a taken a big chunk of the low end cameras but the middle up have continued to flourish.