
What do you use Apache Kafka for?

What do you use Apache Kafka for?

Apache Kafka is used for both real-time and batch data processing, and is the chosen event log technology for Amadeus microservice-based streaming applications. Kafka is also used for operational use cases such as application logs collection.

Which of the below use case the Apache Kafka is used?

Kafka is often used for operational monitoring data. This involves aggregating statistics from distributed applications to produce centralized feeds of operational data.

Can Kafka be used for synchronous communication?

You have built an event-driven system leveraging Apache Kafka. Now you face the challenge of integrating traditional synchronous request-response capabilities, such as user interaction, through an HTTP web service.

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What is Apache Kafka Python?

Python client for the Apache Kafka distributed stream processing system. kafka-python is designed to function much like the official java client, with a sprinkling of pythonic interfaces (e.g., consumer iterators).

How does LinkedIn use Kafka?

Kafka forms the backbone of operations at LinkedIn. Most of the data communication between different services within the LinkedIn environment utilizes Kafka. It is used explicitly in use cases like database replication, stream processing, and data ingestion.

Is Kafka an RPC?

Introduction. Kafka RPC, a RPC protocol that based on kafka, is meant to provide a swift, stable, reliable remote calling service. The reason we love about kafka is its fault tolerance, scalability and wicked large throughput. So if you want a RPC service with kafka features, kRPC is the kind of tool you’re looking for …

How would you implement asynchronous communication between microservices?

You might use any protocol to communicate and propagate data asynchronously across microservices in order to have eventual consistency. As mentioned, you could use integration events using an event bus or message broker or you could even use HTTP by polling the other services instead.

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What is the difference between gRPC and Kafka?

Answer Wiki. For the benefit of other readers, gRPC is a cross-platform remote procedure call library/framework, and Kafka is a stream-processing engine built on a pub/sub system.

How does the Kafka raft layer work with Kafka controllers?

The Kafka Controllers and Metadata Cache will notify the Kafka Raft layer when it has generated a snapshot and the end offset of the snapshot. The Kafka Raft layer will notify the Kafka Controller or Metadata Cache when a new snapshot has been fetched from the Active Controller.

What is the difference between active controller and active controller in Kafka?

Kafka Controller: The component that generates snapshots, reads snapshots and reads logs for voter replicas of the topic partition __cluster_metadata. Active Controller: The Kafka Controller that is also a leader of the __cluster_metadata topic partition. This component is allowed to append to the log.

How do microservices work with Kafka?

In Kafka you publish events, and listeners subscribed to those events react to them, so microservices become highly decoupled. A typical example is to perform a write operation to a microservice’s database, and all the same publish that information to some data lake as a log.