
What documents are required for WBCS form fill up?

What documents are required for WBCS form fill up?

Documents Required to fill the WBCS Exam Recruitment Form 2022

  • S.S.C. Marksheet.
  • H.S.C. Marksheet.
  • A degree certificate.
  • Domicile certificate.
  • Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking.
  • Caste certificate.
  • PWD certificates.

Is NOC required for WBCS interview?

You don’t have to take any NOC during interview and the only reason why you are submitting the intimation is that, it will enable your office to relieve you on time if you are selected.

What documents are required for WBCS interview?

Documents required at the time of WBCS Interview

  • Recent passport-size colour photograph.
  • Certificate/admit card of Class 10/equivalent as date of birth proof.
  • SC/ST/OBC certificate, if applicable.
  • Graduation certificate/mark sheet.
  • PWD certificate, if applicable.
  • Current ‘NCL’ certificate (for OBC candidates only)
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Is there any qualifying marks in WBCS interview?

For the W.B.C.S. (Exe) and other comparative posts, Public Service Commission of West Bengal arranges competitive examinations in three phases every year. These phases are Preliminary, Main and Interview. There is no qualifying marks of WBCS mains as such.

Is Wbcs 2021 form fill up started?

The WBCS application 2021 commenced from December 24. The last date to apply for the WBCS 2021 online is January 15 for the online mode and January 16 for the offline mode (However, the fees should be submitted by January 15). The WBCS application 2021 will be filled online only.

How many candidates applied for Wbcs 2021?

This year, according to a report in Times of India, more than 2.5 lakhs candidates applied for the WBCS 2021, out of which 1.8 lakhs candidates appeared in the WBCS prelims exam 2021.

Can I give WBCS interview in English?

Interview may happen in any language, Bangla or English or both. One should answer in same language in which question is asked. Continue Reading Is The Interview For W.B.C.S.

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What type of questions are asked in WBCS?

The WBCS prelims exam is of 200 marks in which 200 questions are asked from subjects like history, polity, current affairs, geography and more. The total duration of the exam is 2 hours 30 minutes.

What will be the cut off of Wbcs 2021?

The cut off of WBCS 2021 will be released separately for all categories in the official cutoff PDF….Expected cut off marks of WBCS 2021.

Category Expected WBCS Prelims Cut Off 2021 (Out of 200 marks) Expected WBCS Final Cut Offs Marks 2020
SC 115 731
ST 100 699
OBC – A 121
OBC – B 124

Will Wbcs 2021 be postponed?

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBCS) has postponed WBCS 2021 prelims exam scheduled to be conducted on May 30. The commission has also postponed WBCS 2020 mains exam scheduled to be conducted from May 17 to 21. The exams have been postponed due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the state.