
What does 4 dots at the end of a sentence mean?

What does 4 dots at the end of a sentence mean?

It shows either a pause or where something has been left out. The forth dot is a period, which ends the sentence. So, if you are quoting someone who just trails off and never finishes a sentence, you represent that with four dots, an ellipsis and a period.

What does it mean when someone puts dots at the end of a text?

THE COY, AWKWARD ELLIPSIS The ellipsis, a row of three dots, stands for an omitted section of text. But much can be conveyed by omission. It asks the receiver of the message to fill in the text, and in that way is very coy and potentially flirty.

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What does 4 dots mean on a face?

These dots differ greatly from the previous tattoo – five dots represents time done in prison. Also known as the quincunx, the four dots on the outside represent four walls, with the fifth on the inside representing the prisoner. This tattoo can be found internationally, among both American and European inmates.

What does 4 dots mean on Iphone?

That’s usually where the cellular signal strength is displayed. In your case you don’t have signal. Aug 5, 2021 12:25 PM.

What does it mean when someone texts you a dot?

To show time passing without anything being said they put in dots. If I send you a single dot in an SMS or chat it means, I’m here. I’m reading.

What does 2 dots mean in texting?

Two dots is an informal and cute way of implying there is something else to say, except philosophically you don’t need to say it at that moment, so it’s more of a short-cut, and yes two dots is quicker that three since the latter means something else, formally any-way.

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Why you shouldn’t use ellipsis?

The three little innocent-looking dots of an ellipsis (…) probably carry more power to annoy and confuse your readers than any other punctuation mark. Ellipses, by contrast, can completely change the tone and meaning of what you write. And people who misuse them often don’t realise what they’re doing.

Why do people use ellipsis in email?

The ellipsis and dash are not all-purpose punctuation, though; they have particular applications. For professional email, you should use them as they are meant to be used. Generally that means the ellipsis won’t show up much, as its primary purpose is to indicate missing words, as in quoted material.

Why does my iPhone have dots instead of bars?

The five dots in the status bar show the cell signal when you are in range of the cellular network. If there is no signal, “No service” appears there instead.

What is the dot next to WIFI symbol?

Its probably the overflow dot that let’s you know that you have more notifications. That’s not related to app notifications only system ones. Tap that dot and they should expand.

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