
What does actual mean in radio communication?

What does actual mean in radio communication?

Actual means the unit leader. Generally, call signs are assigned to battalions and above. For example, Silver Star meaning Mess Kit Maintenance Battalion. Units within a battalion use the battalion’s call sign followed by a qualifier. For example, Silver Star Bravo means Company B.

What is actual callsign?

Adding the term “actual” to the unit / sub-unit call sign tells the listener that it is the commander themselves on the radio. So if the call sign is 1–3 (3 platoon, A company) it means speaking to the platoon through the signaller, but 1–3 actual means it is the platoon leader him/herself speaking..

How do you talk on a military radio?

Best Practices

  1. Identify with whom you want to communicate by using their call sign.
  2. Pause a moment after pressing the “push-to-talk” (PTT) button.
  3. Be direct and short when communicating.
  4. Speak slowly and clearly.
  5. Spell out letters and numbers, using the Military Alphabet (NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
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What does it mean when soldiers say actual?

So, what does actual mean in military? Simply put, the term “actual” is used as a wireless callsign, which specifically refers to the commanding officer or the officer-in-charge in the military. Other details worth knowing about this term will be revealed in this article. Therefore, find out by continuing to read!

Why does the military say actual?

When members in the armed forces catch the term “actual” while they are communicating through a radio, they can recognize that the person speaking is the commander or unit leader. Vice versa, when a member wants to speak to the commander or unit leader, they request for the “actual”.

What is actual in military radio?

(military) a radio callsign modifier that specifies the commanding officer of the unit or asset denoted by the remainder of the callsign and not the officer’s assistant or other designee. Bravo Six Actual, this is Charlie One.

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What does it mean when military says actual?

Military “actual” Meaning As mentioned briefly earlier, “actual” refers to the commanding officer or the officer-in-charge. When members in the armed forces catch the term “actual” while they are communicating through a radio, they can recognize that the person speaking is the commander or unit leader.

Why do soldiers say over?

As they cannot see each other, when speaking, it’s a way of indicating that they’ve finished what they’re saying – and it’s the other party’s turn to speak ‘over (to you)’.