
What does butter my biscuit mean?

What does butter my biscuit mean?

“Butter my biscuit” is a derivation of the term: “Putting icing on the cake” and means to finish or complete a product with a decorative coating that makes a less palliative product more palliative in both appearance and taste to enhance its attraction to the consumer and user.

What does butter my behind and call me a biscuit mean?

Filters. (Southern US, colloquial) An expression of astonishment upon learning something unbelievable (usually positive).

What does biscuit mean in slang?

Answered Nov 17, 2021. The most common meaning for the slang term biscuit is “good looking person”, typically of a younger age.

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WHO SAID Well butter my buns and call me a biscuit?

Quote by Erin McCarthy: “Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit…” S…”

What does hold my biscuit mean?

Definition of ‘to take the biscuit’ If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour. [British, emphasis]regional note: in AM, use take the cake.

What does Butters mean in British?

(British slang) Unattractive, ugly or repulsive. adjective.

What does Do you want a biscuit mean?

A sarcastic response to one who is excited about or seeks praise for a minor or insignificant accomplishment. (A biscuit, in British English, is equivalent to a cookie in American English.)

What does having the biscuit mean?

To be no longer functional or useful; to be dead or about to perish. Primarily heard in Canada. This old truck has served me well, but after lasting 20 years, it’s finally had the biscuit. Despite the doctor’s best efforts, it looked as though I’d had the biscuit.

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Where did the phrase take the biscuit come from?

It derives from a disparaging reference to the Roman Catholic sacrament formally called extreme unction, part of which is holy communion. If you take the wafer — contemptuously the biscuit — you are nearing the end of your life.

What does butter means in slang?

(British slang) Unattractive, ugly or repulsive. adjective.

What does butter my butt and Call Me a biscuit mean?

It means the same as “icing my cake,” that is making something good even better. It’s an expression of astonishment and disbelief, in the form of “Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!” Yeah, but nobody talks like that, especially not in the South, where this supposedly comes from.

What does it mean to call someone a cucumber?

It is an expression of surprise. There are quite a few phrases like this associated with rural America. The point is describe something incredibly surprising or that you’d never have thought someone might actually do. Some more good ones: Paint me green and call me a cucumber.

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What does it mean when someone calls you buns?

“Buns” is a euphemism for “buttocks” that is intended to be sassy but not sexy or vulgar. Traditional “country” Southern humor is NOT vulgar. Southern people are religious and any humor that strays into blasphemy, racism or sex is not welcome in mixed company.

What do Southerners mean by ‘Buns’?

“Buns” is a euphemism for “buttocks” that is intended to be sassy but not sexy or vulgar. Traditional “country” So This is an example of an expression that Southerners do not actually use in daily speech.