
What does C class scratch and dent mean?

What does C class scratch and dent mean?

C-Class Scratch & Dent Appliances These appliances have visible blemishes on doors, fronts, and other face surfaces. They still operate perfectly fine, of course, but they look a little imperfect.

How much discount do you get from dented appliances?

Price Negotiation Mark-up on appliances is typically low; you can expect a price tag on damaged goods to be about 25 percent lower than retail. Point out any damage that will be visible after installation and you should be able to get them down to around 50 percent off retail.

What are C grade appliances?

Grade A means the product is in new/mint condition. Grade B means the product is in good conition with a couple or few cosemtic blemishes. Grade C means the product is functionally but in poor conition.

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Does scratch and dent mean used?

Often times, customers are confused as to what a “scratch and dent” appliance is. Some think this means used or refurbished. A scratch and dent appliance is a BRAND NEW machine that was cosmetically damaged at some point in transportation. This includes a scrape on the side or a dent on the top.

How do I fix a dent in my fridge?

How to Remove a Dent From a Fridge

  1. Put on a pair of gloves and pick up a chunk of dry ice. Many hardware stores, bait shops and grocery stores carry dry ice.
  2. Heat up the dent with a regular hair dryer.
  3. Use a suction cup dent puller.
  4. Press the suction cup onto the dent and make sure there is a tight seal.

What is AB grade appliance?

Graded appliances, sometimes called B grade stock or factory seconds, are brand new appliances that have been returned to the original supplier or manufacturer.

What is an A grade appliance?

A Grade. This fridge has not had prior use and generally presents as New but it could have very minor cosmetic imperfections which will be outlined on the listing. A fridge of this grade may be Ex Demo in which case it may have minor scuff marks or wear & tear from having been handled. A- Grade.

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What is better scratch and dent or refurbished?

Certified refurbished products are previously opened/used products. Products may have some observable cosmetic blemishes that do not affect performance. Scratch & dent products are certified refurbished products with blemishes that do not affect performance.

Is scratch and dent the same as refurbished?

In the business world, “scratch and dent” refers to a new product that has never been used but has cosmetic defects such as scratches and/or dents. The definition of “refurbished” is a product that has been used, returned, and has had some type of technical change so that it’s supposedly fixed.

How much does it cost to fix a dent in a refrigerator?

The price to repair an appliance (such as a door dent) averages between $100 and $240. Fixing a dent in your fridge door depends on the size and location of the dent. Smaller dents might cost $100 or less to fix; larger dents or dents that affect how the door closes or seals could run $200 or higher.