
What does diffuse lumbar disc bulge mean?

What does diffuse lumbar disc bulge mean?

A diagnosis of a diffuse cervical bulge means that a disc in the neck area is bulging outward beyond its normal boundaries. This can occur due to trauma or injury or with age-related changes or wear and tear damage to the spine.

How do you recover from a bulging disc l4 l5?

Treatment with rest, pain medication, spinal injections, and physical therapy is the first step to recovery. Most people improve in 6 weeks and return to normal activity. If symptoms continue, surgery may be recommended.

How long does a bulging disc take to heal?

For some individuals it may take up to a year or two to completely recover from disc bulge while it may take far less time for another individual to recover from the same injury. This article gives a brief overview of how long does it take to heal from bulging disc and what are the factors that play a key role in the recovery process.

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Can a bulging disc heal on its own?

In brief: Yes! Most lumbar disc herniations tend to heal on their own. Anti-inflammatory medication and traction type of therapy often helps to relieve the pain. The herniated disc often takes up to 3 months to heal.

How to treat a bulging disc?

Rest. Like all injuries,bulging discs require significant amounts of rest in order for your body’s cells to do their repair work.

  • Anti-inflammatory Diet. An anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce the pain associated with bulging discs.
  • Exercise.
  • Spinal Adjustments.
  • How to treat a bulged disk?

    – Cobra Pose. Only go as far as is comfortable – no need to get to full extension for a benefit!

  • – Knee Rolls. This sciatica exercise is great for relieving any tension in tight muscles in the lower back.
  • – McKenzie Side Bends. Start standing next to a wall.
  • – Standing Extension. Start standing normally.