
What does it mean when the hygienist says numbers?

What does it mean when the hygienist says numbers?

The numbers your Hygienist is calling out during the probing part of your cleaning indicate how far down the gum tissue has loosened from the tooth (the depth). The higher the number, the farther down the probe can go. So, like a golf score, a lower number is better.

What do the numbers mean when a dentist checks your teeth?

What do the numbers mean? The numbers that you hear are the depths of the pockets around your teeth in millimeters. Smaller, tighter pockets usually mean healthier gums. 0-3mm without bleeding means you are in great shape.

What are the primary work tasks of the dental hygienist?

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Common duties include:

  • Patient screening and assessmtnet of oral health.
  • Dental charting.
  • Taking blood pressure and pulse.
  • Taking and developing dental radiographs (x-rays)
  • Teaching patients proper oral health prctices.
  • Educating patients on proper nutrition for good oral health.

What does 2 mean at hygienist?

2 means there is some hardened dead plaque attached to your teeth, which some gentle cleaning and a little oral health education can help with. Score 3. It’s the 3 scores that present the difficulty. It is where we are in the balance between health and disease.

What does a gum score of 3 mean?

Anything between 1 and 3 is a good indicator that your gums are healthy. However, if you bleed during the process, your gums may be in beginning stages of a more severe problem, even if your measurements are between the target of 1 and 3. Higher measurements than 3 could be a sign of a serious concern.

Do dental hygienist take impressions?

X-Rays and Impressions Dental hygienists can also take impressions of individual teeth or a group of teeth for making implants, dentures and other oral appliances.

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What are good numbers for gums?

Healthy gum tissue will usually yield numbers of less than 4 mm. Higher numbers indicate that the tissue is inflamed and some dental treatment may be necessary.” Typically, 1 – 3 mm is healthy, 4 is a warning and anything over 5 is a call to action to prevent disease.

What does a gum score of 4 mean?

It is where we are in the balance between health and disease. The biofilm increases or the risk factor balance changes and you have a diagnosis of gum disease. Score 4. 4 indicates gum disease, if you are diagnosed with gum disease we can work with you to create a thorough plan on how to best treat this.